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Пошуковий запит: (<.>AT=Kosushkin Morphological features of gallium$<.>)
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Kosushkin V. G. 
Morphological Features of Gallium Arsenide Crystals Grown at Low-frequency Influences to the Crystallization Front [Електронний ресурс] / V. G. Kosushkin, S. L. Kozhitov, L. V. Kozhitov, Yu. N. Parkhomenko, L. M. Chervjakov // Журнал нано- та електронної фізики. - 2014. - Т. 6, № 3. - С. 03044-1-03044-4. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/jnef_2014_6_3_46
It was found experimentally that on the initial part of crystal the fluctuations with amplitude more than 1 mm leads to break of the capillary column melt and close of growth. The physical significance of this functional relationship for this probably lies in the different orientation of surface tension forces. Regardless of the direction of stretching and an amplitude-frequency characteristics of development process of the power of the octahedral facets increased with increasing growth rate. Accidents on existing ideas are the result of periodic growth, due, for example, the rotation of the crystal in an asymmetric thermal field. When carrying out the method of crystal growth with perturbations at the interface it to a solid phase, the lateral surface is also composed of corrugations distinguishable to the naked eye.In general, the study of structural defects in the crystals obtained in exacting heat conditions, showed that in this case, lowfrequency disturbance of the melt at the interface reduces the average density of dislocations due to the periodic melting of crystallization and partially "heal" the defective portions of the crystals.
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