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Nikiforov А. 
Development of a mathematical model of vibratory non-lift movement of light seeds taking into account the aerodynamic forces and moments [Електронний ресурс] / А. Nikiforov, A. Nykyforova, R. Antoshchenkov, V. Antoshchenkova, S. Diundik, V. Mazanov // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий. - 2021. - № 3(1). - С. 70-78. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Vejpte_2021_3(1)__10
The modern practice of using vibratory machines when working with fine-size light-weight seeds is faced with such an undesirable phenomenon as the impact of aerodynamic forces and moments on the kinematics of vibrational movement of particles of the seed mixture fractions. According to the results of scientific studies devoted to the solution of this problem, only mathematical models of vibrational movement are used, where the aerodynamic factor is taken into account as taking the seeds by airflow. This is typical only for cleaning modes with the rebound of seeds from the vibrating surface. Aerodynamic forces and moments are present in them only as a force of aerodynamic resistance. The action of lateral aerodynamic forces and their moments are not taken into account. Their consideration allows to extend the range of action of the aerodynamic factor on the modes of vibration cleaning (vibroseparation) without rebound (but with sliding and rolling) which are of greater interest in terms of improving the efficiency of processing fine-size seeds. A mathematical model of seed vibration movement taking into account the action of a complete set of aerodynamic forces (dynamic resistance forces and lateral aerodynamic forces) and moments was proposed. This makes it possible to simulate non-lifting modes of vibrational movement of seeds. A system of algebraic equations that are linear with respect to the kinematic parameters of seed movement which was obtained by translating differential equations of movement into a finite-difference form was presented. The possibility of numerical solution of equations of movement by the Euler method was shown. The results of the evaluation of the model adequacy for the processes of vibration separation of tobacco seeds and false flax were presented. As shown by the results of calculations and experiments, the developed model provides an increase in the adequacy of the simulation results by 30 % in comparison with the model where the aerodynamic factor is not taken into account.
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