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Polyanska A. 
Impact of digital maturity on sustainable development effects in energy sector in the condition of Industry 4.0 [Електронний ресурс] / A. Polyanska, S. Savchuk, M. Dudek, D. Sala, Yu. Pazynich, D. Cichoń // Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. - 2022. - № 6. - С. 97-103. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Nvngu_2022_6_17
Purpose. To study the impact of digital maturity of energy enterprises on achieving the effects of sustainable development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution. Methodology. The study on energy enterprises' economic efficiency was based on the results of a statistical analysis of their activity economic indicators and a macroeconomic analysis of the prerequisites for the digitalization of Ukrainian energy companies, as well as considering the results of an analytical study of foreign companies' digital transformation. The application of the benchmarking method made it possible to highlight the best examples of digital changes of energy companies in the field of sustainable development. The generalization method made it possible to point out the effects of digitization of sustainable development for energy companies. Findings. Effectiveness of energy enterprises due to the implementation of digital transformation is reasoned, which allows achieving the effect of sustainable development by ensuring environmental, economic, and social development. Based on the calculation of economic efficiency values, the most efficient energy enterprise was determined, whose activity is characterized by the highest level of digital transformations aimed at achieving the goals of sustainable development. Originality. The dependence between the level of digital maturity of energy enterprises and their economic efficiency is substantiated. The spheres of energy enterprises activity have been established, whose efficiency and importance increases with the level of digitalization. The technical characteristics of energy enterprises' digitalization in the spheres of implementation of sustainable development goals, namely economic, social, and environmental ones, are highlighted. Practical value. The main directions of energy enterprises' activity have been determined based on the selection of the effects of sustainable development, which are achieved thanks to digitalization. The efficiency of the enterprise because of digitalization is substantiated, considering the directions of sustainable development.
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