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Пошуковий запит: (<.>AT=Sivun The CAM-system technological capabilities$<.>)
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Sivun S. O. 
The CAM-system technological capabilities of the cylindric worm lathe processing in the CNC lathes [Електронний ресурс] / S. O. Sivun, V. V. Zil, S. T. Patsera // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. - 2014. - № 6. - С. 87-91. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Nvngu_2014_6_15
Purpose. To reduce the time of development of the control programme for the multi-pass worm processing in the CNC lathes. Methodology. The comparative analysis of the technological capabilities of the popular CAM-systems, and the special programme development and its experimental testing at one of the machine-building enterprise has been carried out. Findings. We have raised the efficiency of programming of the control programme for the multi-pass coil cutting on the worm in the CNC lathe machines. A special macroprogramme for the cylindrical worm combined coil cutting scheme has been developed. The time required for development of the control programme for the multi-pass worm processing under the cutter in the CNC lathes has been reduced by seven times. The results are the most efficient for the worm combined coil cutting scheme. In the short-term outlook we plan: to develop the macroprogrammes for the double-enveloping worm processing in the CNC lathes; and to enhance the macroprogramme for the cylindrical worm processing. Originality. We have determined and substantiated the ways of improvement of the computer-assisted design tools for the control programmes to turn the worm in the CNC lathe machines. Practical value. We have simplified the requirements to the qualification level of the developer of the control programme so that CNC machine operator meets the requirements. The macroprogramme developed allows each CNC lathe machine operator to develop the combined multi-pass coil cutting along the cylindrical worm independently, without a programme engineer's participation. The offered approach has a significant value for the small and medium business enterprises along with the mining machine builders.
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