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Пошуковий запит: (<.>AT=Stepovaja Methods for precautionary management$<.>)
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Stepovaja E. 
Methods for precautionary management for environmental safety at energy facilities [Електронний ресурс] / E. Stepovaja, Yu. Holik, K. Fra?a // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. - 2018. - № 6. - С. 173-177. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Nvngu_2018_6_26
Purpose. The purpose of this work is to find out the methods of preventive management for forecasting environmental safety at the enterprises of the energy industry and the example of the main oil pipeline, taking into account the factors that characterize the processes of electrochemical corrosion. the damaged section of the pipeline in contact plays an aggressive solutions work makrohalvanichnyh couples. The problem of modeling electrochemical corrosion steel pipe surface. On the basis of the model proposed by galvanic corrosion method of calculating the residual life of the safe operation of the main pipeline. Findings. Based on analysis and case studies, based on mathematical models of corrosion of the surface areas of oil dependence obtained to determine the reduction of the wall thickness of the pipeline and forecasting resourc environmentally safe operation of pipelines, which are subject to falling electrolytic environments on the affected area of the pipeline through controls to some electrochemical parameters. The method of forecasting is focused on getting a non-destructive way to output data on real structures in operation and to reliably assess the safe operation of the pipeline sections. Originality. Scientific novelty of the research is as follows: the technique of estimation of residual life plot oil based corrosion processes on the surface of the pipeline when working macro galvanic elements; developed and researched mathematical model of macro galvanic couple at local corrosion on steel pipe surface areas for which settlement is to predict corrosion loss on damaged sections of the pipeline when hit them aggressive electrolytic solutions regardless of their chemical composition. Practical value. The method of calculation of the residual resource of safe operation of the main section of the pipeline makes it possible to rationally plan the repair work, to predict a realistic timetable construction work, review the operation mode. The proposed method is aimed at obtaining the initial data nondestructive method on real structures in the conditions of their operation.
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