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Пошуковий запит: (<.>AT=Studenyak Temperature studies of optical$<.>)
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Studenyak I. P. 
Temperature studies of optical parameters in (Ag3AsS3)0.6(As2S3)0.4 thin films [Електронний ресурс] / I. P. Studenyak, M. M. Kutsyk, Y. Y. Rati, V. Yu. Izai, S. Kokenyesi, L. Daroci, R. Bohdan // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2015. - Vol. 18, № 2. - С. 188-192. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2015_18_2_16
(Ag3AsS3)0,6(As2S3)0,4 thin films were deposited onto a silica substrate by using rapid thermal evaporation. The surfaces of the films were covered with Ag-rich crystalline micrometer-sized cones. The optical transmission spectra of thin films were studied within the temperature range 77 - 300 K. The absorption spectra in the region of its exponential behaviour were analysed, the dispersion dependences of refractive index as well as the temperature dependences of energy position of absorption edge and Urbach energy were investigated.(Ag3AsS3)0,6(As2S3)0,4 thin films deposited using the thermal evaporation technique onto glass substrates previously covered with layers of gold nanoparticles were studied. Optical transmission spectra of the sandwich structure were studied within the temperature range 77 - 300 K. The absorption spectra in the region of its exponential behaviour were analyzed, the dispersion dependences of refractive index as well as the temperature dependences of the energy pseudogap and Urbach energy were investigated. The disordering processes in the sandwich structure were discussed. The comparative analyses of optical parameters in single (Ag3AsS3)0,6(As2S3)0,4 layer and in the sandwich structure were performed.
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 473.175 Kb    Зміст випуску    Реферативна БД     Цитування

Studenyak I. P. 
Temperature studies of optical absorption in sandwich structure based on (Ag3AsS3)0.6(As2S3)0.4 thin film and gold nanoparticles [Електронний ресурс] / I. P. Studenyak, Z. R. Molnar, M. M. Kutsyk, V. Yu. Izai, M. Kranjcec, S. Kokenyesi // Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. - 2018. - Vol. 21, № 1. - С. 89-94. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/MSMW_2018_21_1_13
(Ag3AsS3)0,6(As2S3)0,4 thin films were deposited onto a silica substrate by using rapid thermal evaporation. The surfaces of the films were covered with Ag-rich crystalline micrometer-sized cones. The optical transmission spectra of thin films were studied within the temperature range 77 - 300 K. The absorption spectra in the region of its exponential behaviour were analysed, the dispersion dependences of refractive index as well as the temperature dependences of energy position of absorption edge and Urbach energy were investigated.(Ag3AsS3)0,6(As2S3)0,4 thin films deposited using the thermal evaporation technique onto glass substrates previously covered with layers of gold nanoparticles were studied. Optical transmission spectra of the sandwich structure were studied within the temperature range 77 - 300 K. The absorption spectra in the region of its exponential behaviour were analyzed, the dispersion dependences of refractive index as well as the temperature dependences of the energy pseudogap and Urbach energy were investigated. The disordering processes in the sandwich structure were discussed. The comparative analyses of optical parameters in single (Ag3AsS3)0,6(As2S3)0,4 layer and in the sandwich structure were performed.
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 1.616 Mb    Зміст випуску    Реферативна БД     Цитування
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