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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж100487/2018/2<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Marketing and Management of Innovations
: sci. j..- Sumy
Marketing ì menedžment ìnnovacìj

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Krpalek P., Krpalkova Krelova K., Berkova K. Entrepreneurship in relation to contemporary concepts of education. - C. 11-22.
  4. Chovancova B., Slobodnik P. The impact of Brexit on country risk of Great Britain in investing at stock market. - C. 23–30.
  5. Sugrova M., Nagyova L., Hazuchova N., Stavkova J. Consumer behaviour at alcoholic beverages markets of Czech Republic and Slovakia: targeting consumer segments. - C. 31–43.
  6. Zatonatska T. Models for analysis of impact of the e-commerce on indicators of economic development of Ukraine, Poland and Austria. - C. 44-53.
  7. Druzhynina V., Likhonosova G., Lutsenko G. Assessment welfare of the population in the synergetic system of socio-economic exclusion. - C. 54-68.
  8. Olorogun L., Yunusa N., Audu H. G., Mohammed A. A. Management of educational innovations: effects of infusing "critical thinking" into Islamic finance curricula. - C. 69-78.
  9. Aslan I., Morsunbul D. Preferences for job life quality and motivation in healthcare. - C. 79-93.
  10. Formankovaа S., Trenz O., Faldik O., Kolomaznik J., Vanek P. The future of investing – sustainable and responsible investing. - C. 94-102.
  11. Zadorozhnyi Z.-M., Muravskyi V., Shevchuk O., Sudyn Y. Management accounting of the settlements with contractors in innovative environment of business communications. - C. 103-112.
  12. Kyrychenko K., Samusevych Y., Liulova L., Bagmet K. Innovations in country's social development level estimation. - C. 113-128.
  13. Didenko I., Kryvych Y., Buriak A. Evaluation of deposit market competition: basis for bank marketing improvement. - C. 129-141.
  14. Afzal A., Khan M. M., Mujtaba B. G. The impact of project managers' competencies, emotional intelligence and transformational leadership on project success in the information technology sector. - C. 142-154.
  15. Sadiqi J. Evaluating the development of Smart communities: a public value perspective. - C. 155-167.
  16. Lewicka D., Glinska-Newes A., Morrow D., Gorka J. The effect of job characteristics on employee loyalty: the mediation role of vertical trust and perceived supervisory support. - C. 168-185.
  17. Gavurova B., Bacik R., Fedorko R., Rigelsky M. Analytical view of online marketing tools in the dimension of marketing campaigns' personalization in Slovakia. - C. 186-200.
  18. Szczepanski M. The application of behavioral economics to reforming pension systems – evidence from Great Britain and New Zealand. - C. 201-209.
  19. Hasan-Zadeh A. Geometric modelling of portfolio and risk in market equilibrium. - C. 210-217.
  20. Vorontsova A., Lyeonov S., Vasylieva S., Artyukhov A. Innovations in the financing of lifelong learning system: expenditure optimization model. - C. 218-231.
  21. Lebid O., Chmutova I., Zuieva O., Veits O. Risk assessment of the bank's involvement in legalization of questionable income considering the influence of FinTech innovations implementation. - C. 232-246.
  22. Wiebe I., Oliinyk V., Halynska Y. Innovative instrument of collaborative alliance management in the "state-region-enterprise" system of withdrawal of the rent income in the extracting industry. - C. 247-261.
  23. Kuznetsova A., Kalynets K., Kozmuk N., Vozna L. Innovative management in global financial CSR governance. - C. 262-269.
  24. Rivera Rios M. A., Lopez J. B. L., Veiga J. G. The fifth global Kondratiev. Low economic performance, instability and monopolization in the digital age. - C. 270-291.
  25. Kolomiiets U. Ukrainian price control policy. - C. 292-312.
  26. AL-Ghaswyneh O. F. M. Pillars of internal marketing and their impact on staff performance. - C. 313-326.
  27. Gani M. O., Alam M. Z., Alom Md. M., Faruq M. O. Challenges and prospects of neuromarketing: Bangladesh perspective. - C. 327-338.
  28. Wyrwicka M. K., Erdeli O. Strategic foresight as the methodology of preparing innovation activities. - C. 339-350.
  29. Rahmani F., Askari A. Identifying the effective drivers on internet advertising using structural equation modeling: an empirical investigation. - C. 351-364.
  30. Goncharenko T. Current transformations of banking management: strategic analysis of external factors of direct influence activities. - C. 365-377.
  31. Poliakh S. The consumer protection as a driver of innovative development: case study for consumers of financial services. - C. 378-387.
  32. Degtjarjova I., Lapina I., Freidenfelds D. Student as stakeholder: "voice of customer" in higher education quality development. - C. 388-398.
  33. Вимоги до матеріалів, що публікуються у науковому журналі "Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій". - C. 399-402.
  34. Вихідні дані.
№ 2
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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