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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Marketing and Management of Innovations
: sci. j..- Sumy
Marketing ì menedžment ìnnovacìj

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Loucanova E., Olisiakova M. Comparison of Innovation in the Electronic Banking Services of the Largest Slovak Banks. - C. 1-9.
  4. Zadorozhnyi Z.-M., Muravskyi V., Humenna-Derij M., Zarudna N. Innovative Accounting and Audit of the Metaverse Resources. - C. 10-19.
  5. Polous O., Heiets I., Mykhalchenko I., Krapko O. Personnel Marketing in the System of Airline Anti-Crisis Management. - C. 20-29.
  6. Abdalatif O. A., Yamin M. A. Enhancing Value Co-Creation Through the Lens of DART Model, Innovation and Digital Technology: An Integrative Supply Chain Resilient Model. - C. 30-44.
  7. Aityassine F. L. Y., Al-Ajlouni M. M., Mohammad A. The effect of Digital Marketing Strategy on Customer and Organizational Outcomes. - C. 45-54.
  8. Alanazi T. M. Marketing 5.0: An Empirical Investigation of Its Perceived Effect on Marketing Perfomance. - C. 55-64.
  9. Rahmanov F., Neymatova L., Aliyeva R., Hashimova R. Management of the Transport Infrastructure of Global Logistics: Cross-Country Analysis. - C. 65-75.
  10. Eleyan F. J. Y. Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Shareholding Companies at Palestine Securities Exchange. - C. 76-84.
  11. Vo T. H. G., Cho J., Le K. H., Luong D. B. Establishing Customer Behavior Through E-Commerce Websites in Newly Emerging Market. - C. 85-93.
  12. Nazarov V., Hajiyev J., Mammadova S., Ahadov V., Amanova S. The Impact of Entrepreneurship Financial Opportunities and Business Environment on the Country’s Innovation Development and National Wealth. - C. 94-108.
  13. Lyeonov S., Samusevych Ya., Gurmach A., Juscius V. The Impact of Entrepreneurship Financial Opportunities and Business Environment on the Country’s Innovation Development and National Wealth. - C. 109-119.
  14. Wulandari R., Koe W.-L. The Factors that Influence the Intention of Marketing and Technological innovation in MSMEs. - C. 120-135.
  15. Zatar T. Achieving Firm Financial Performance Through the Just-In-Time Supply Chain, Quality Management and Supply Chain Integration: The Moderating Role of IT Advancement. - C. 136-151.
  16. Forid M. S., Hafez M., Khan W. Student Satisfaction and Retention: Impact of Service Quality and Digital Transformation. - C. 152-163.
  17. Nastisin L., Korba P., Pisar O. Consumer’s Online Brand-Related Activities on the Social Network Instagram: An Analytical View of the Motivation for These Activities. - C. 164-172.
  18. Jabraoui S., Touil A. A. Managing Implementatiom of the ERP System: The Importance of Technical and Consultant Support. - C. 173-183.
  19. Safarov G., Sadiqova S., Urazayeva M., Abbasova N. Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Innovative-Industrial Cluster Development in the Era of Digitalization. - C. 184-197.
  20. Dawar S., Panwar S., Dhaka S., Kudal P. Antecedents and Role of trust in Chatbot Use Intentions: An Indian Perspective. - C. 199-207.
  21. Seman A. A., Ahmed H. M. S., Refera M. K., Amde S. J., Thomran M., Ahmed Y. A. Assessing the Effect of Work-Life Balance Initiatives on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. - C. 207-217.
  22. Ziabina Y., Navickas V. Innovations in Energy Efficiency Management: Role of Public Governance. - C. 218-227.
  23. Вихідні відомості.
№ 4
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