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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж100487/2023/1<.>)
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Marketing and Management of Innovations
: sci. j..- Sumy
Marketing ì menedžment ìnnovacìj

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Gumus N., Onurlubas E. Investigation of Factors Affecting Generation Z’s Halal Cosmetics Adoption. - C. 1-11.
  4. Iastremska O., Strokovych H., Gasimov F. Relationship of Investment in Innovation and Logistics Activity in the Conditions of the Experience Economy Development. - C. 12-23.
  5. Nerurkar V., Barge P., Bhatt V., Rastogi S., Agarwal B. Factors Influencing Consumer Decision to Purchase a Car. - C. 24-40.
  6. Grmanova E., Bartek J. Job Satisfaction as Important Factor of Work Quality and the Influence of Selected Factors. - C. 41-54.
  7. Gallo P., Mihalcova B., Balogova B. Work Motivation of Social Workers in the Context of Management Innovations. - C. 55-63.
  8. Kula M. E., YarbaSi I. Y. Business Ethics Challenges and A Comprehensive Understanding of Tackling Child Labor in Turkey. - C. 64-74.
  9. Saad M. A. , Al-Naggar S. A. The Impact of Human Resources Maintenance on Enhancing Organizational Agility: An Applied Study on Secretariat of Northern Borders Region. - C. 75-86.
  10. Huseynova L., Huseynov A. Management of International Trade in the Context of Ensuring Innovative Development. - C. 87-98.
  11. Olearova M., Bacik R., Gavurova B., Rigelsky M. Identifying the Relationship Between the Use of Mobile Technologies and Time: A Study Based on a Sample of OECD Member Countries. - C. 99-110.
  12. Cuong D. T. Impact of Brand Equity on Intention to Use Instant Coffee. - C. 111-121.
  13. Topcuoglu E., Oktaysoy O., Erdogan S. U., Kaygin E., Karafakioglu E. The Mediating Role of Job Security in The Impact of Digital Leadership on Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction. - C. 122-132.
  14. Balahurovska I. Network Leadership is a Promising Direction in Management Science. - C. 133-145.
  15. Sao A., Kumar A., Bapat G., Khan M. S., Singh S. Analysing Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality at DLF Mall of India. - C. 146-157.
  16. Veckalne R., Tambovceva T. The Importance of Gender Equality in Promoting Entrepreneurship and Innovation. - C. 158-168.
  17. Nesterenko V., Olefirenko O. The Impact of AI Development on the Development of Marketing Communications. - C. 169-181.
  18. Bartkova L, Veselovska L. Does Dual Quality of Products in the European Union Truly Bother Consumers?. - C. 182-198.
  19. Vrablikova M., Hrnciarova Turciakova A., Baranova M. Tourism as a Factor of Local and Regional Development. - C. 199-212.
  20. Rahmoune M., Alsagaf M., Abdeltawab A. M., Azhari A., Hofaidhllaoui H. Influence of Benevolence and Credibility on Conduct of Integrative Negotiation Behaviours. - C. 213-223.
  21. Heidari S., Zarei M., Daneshfar A., Dokhanian S. ncreasing Sales Through Social Media Marketing: The Role of Customer Brand Attachment, Brand Trust, and Brand Equity. - C. 224-234.
  22. Aydin S, Ungan M. C. Contribution to Industrial Buyer Behavior Model: An Empirical Research. - C. 235-254.
  23. Вихідні відомості.
№ 1
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