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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж100487/2023/14(4)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Marketing and Management of Innovations
: sci. j..- Sumy
Marketing ì menedžment ìnnovacìj

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Nguyen V. I. Increasing Sustainable Performance Through Green Human Resource Management: The Role of Green Supply Chain Management and Corporate Social Responsibility. - C. 1-16.
  4. Svirakova E., Kramolis J. Innovation Management Approaches: Design Value Calculator Gamification. - C. 17-31.
  5. Aybar S., Cark O. Paternalistic Leadership and Work Engagement in the Innovative Service Industry: The Mediating Role of Psychological Contract. - C. 32-47.
  6. Shaukat F., Zaman H. M. F., Nguyen T. T. N., Souvanhxay P. The Interplay of Eco-Innovation and Market Uncertainty on Green Marketing Orientation and Business Performance. - C. 48-68.
  7. Ahmed E. R., Alabdullah T. T. Y., Akyurek M. Management of Innovations in the Environmental, Social, and Governance Scores and Sustainability Performance Through ESG Disclosure: Evidence from Emerging Markets. - C. 69-83.
  8. Huynh Q. L. Effect of Marketing Strategy on Organizational Efficacy via Managerial Accounting. - C. 84-98.
  9. Zadorozhnyi Z.-M., Muravskyi V., Bila Yu., Ivasechko U. Innovative Management of Biomass Cost Value Based on Accounting and Analysis of Production Costs of Agricultural Activities. - C. 99-111.
  10. Tvaronaviciene M., Simelyte A., Stirblyte G. The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment from the Nordic Countries on the Structure of Lithuania’s Economy. - C. 112-127.
  11. Kmecova I., Juracka D. Competences of Managers and Executives across Economic Sectors. - C. 128-139.
  12. Zamora-Ramos M. R., Chamorro-Mera A., Diaz-Mendez M. Student Value Co-creation Behaviour in The Higher Education Service Ecosystem: An Empirical Exploration. - C. 140-150.
  13. Usov A., Kunitsyn M., Zabarna E., Niekrasova L. Managing the Stable Development of Manufacturing Systems under Decentralization. - C. 151-165.
  14. Dicle S., Yildirim E. Innovation Working Trends: A Review About Well-Being and Work Motivation Relations of People Working from Home. - C. 166-175.
  15. Rausser G., Strielkowsk W. An Economic Analysis of the Burning Man Festival's Marketing Evolution. - C. 176-187.
  16. Gavkalova N., Akimova L., Akimov O. Anti-crisis Management Mechanism in the Digital Age. - C. 188-199.
  17. Kuznyetsova A., Garafonova O., Yankovoi R., Zhosan H., Lomachynska I. Development of an International Marketing Strategy for Domestic Enterprises During a State of War. - C. 200-211.
  18. Zsigmond T., Feher L., Machova R., Kovacs S. Factors Affecting the Consumer Behaviour of Gluten Sensitive Consumers – A Pilot Study. - C. 212-222.
  19. Fitala P., Kozakova J., Skypalova R., Srbova A. Strategic Management: Factors Influencing (De)Centralization in Multinational Corporations Operating in Slovakia. - C. 223-238.
  20. Tsiskaridze R., Reinhold K., Jarvis M. Innovating HRM Recruitment: A Comprehensive Review of AI Deployment. - C. 239-254.
  21. Ismail H. H., Azab R. S. The Role of E-commerce as an Innovative Solutions in the Development of the Saudi Economy. - C. 255-268.
  22. Вихідні відомості.
№ 14(4)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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