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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Marketing and Management of Innovations
: sci. j..- Sumy
Marketing ì menedžment ìnnovacìj

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Choudhary A., Dawar S., Panwar S. Impact of Brand Association on Brand Equity in Organized Retail Sector. - C. 1-8.
  4. Kerse Y., Kerse G. The Effect of the Internal Customer (Employee) on the External Customer in Citizenship Behaviour: A Mediated Model Through Customer Support Perception. - C. 9-16.
  5. Vo T. H. G., Luong D. B., Le K. H., Huynh T. M. T. Investigating the Impact of Facebook Advertising Features on Consumer Behaviour. - C. 17-25.
  6. Tovmasyan G. How Do Psychological Factors, Cognitive Biases and Cognitive Dissonance Affect the Work Performance and Decision Making?. - C. 26-36.
  7. Ocel Y., Mutlu H. T., Bayat M. Determination of the Relationship Between Lifestyle and Impulsive Purchasing Behaviour. - C. 37-55.
  8. Jaouadi M. Unlocking the Power of HR Practices, Work Self-Efficacy, Organizational Self-Esteem, Interpersonal Harmony and Goal Congruence to Mitigate Pandemic Threat. - C. 56-71.
  9. Kurnaz A. The Effect of Fear of COVID-19 on Luxury Consumption Tendency and the Role of Materialism. - C. 72-84.
  10. Antosova I., Psurny M., Stavkova L. Changes in Consumer Purchasing Decisions: Traditional and Emerging Factors in the Dynamic Marketing Landscape Over 15 Years. - C. 85-96.
  11. Ubreziova I., Vrablikova M., Diacikova A. Leadership and Motivation as the Part of Corporate Culture in Selected Company. - C. 97-108.
  12. Onurlubas E., Gumus N. Investigation of the Effect of Risk Perceptions of the Generation Z Consumers' Against Refurbished Products on Their Purchase Intention. - C. 109-124.
  13. Taborecka J., Rajic T., Vinczeova M., Kaputa V. Attitudes and Actual Buying Behaviour of Sustainable Clothes from the Perspective of Female Generations in Slovakia. - C. 125-133.
  14. Gburova J., Gavurova B., Bacik R., Tomasova M. Analysis of the Impact of Advertising on the Change of Voter Behavior of Consumers (Voters) in The Slovak Republic. - C. 134-141.
  15. Supekova S. Ch., Keklak R., Masarova T., Jakesova P. Social Media, Networks, and Students in the Context of the Educational Process. - C. 142-152.
  16. Lentjushenkova O. Cultural Intelligence and Interpersonal Trust as Drivers for Innovative Work and Intellectual Capital Development at Organizations. - C. 153-162.
  17. Thomran M., Alshammari A. E. A. Knowledge Economy, Innovation and the Universities' Education Role in Saudi Arabia: A Study of Academicians’ Perspectives at the University of Hail. - C. 163-175.
  18. Oe H., Yamaoka Y. Smart Luxury Shoppers’ Behaviour in China: Omni-Channel Perspectives of Gen Y Consumers. - C. 176-187.
  19. Kubickova V., Labudova V., Benesova D., Mura L. Innovations and Tourism Regions: are Innovations Perceived as A Problem in Regional Development in European Tourism?. - C. 188-1201.
  20. Baltgailis J., Simakhova A., Buka S. Digital Currencies and Fintech Innovation Technologies for Economic Growth. - C. 202-214.
  21. Trofymenko M., Bulatova O., Trofymenko A., Vyshniakov O. Digital Development and Technological Innovations: Inequality and Asymmetry. - C. 215-229.
  22. Lincenyi M., Hoesova K. S., Fabus M. Innovations in Marketing Communication in the Hospitality Business in Slovakia During the COVID-19 Pandemic. - C. 230-242.
  23. Вихідні відомості.
№ 3 (14)
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