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: наук. журн..- Харків. Pedagogical Education
ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Mykhaylenko V., Blyzniuk M. Educational activities of the international carpathian school in the context of sustainable development goals. - C. 4-8.
  4. Radziievska I. Features of the "education standardization" concept as a component of the research vocabulary for studying the foundations of the medical and pharmaceutical education development. - C. 9-14.
  5. Vasilyeva S., Stepanenko I., Kravchuk E. Anthropometric parameters of first-year students of pedagogical specialties. - C. 15-18.
  6. Kravchenko O. The dual form of education as a component of integration processes in the educational environment. - C. 19-22.
  7. Mesarosh L. Professional competencies of students of physical and mathematical specialties. - C. 23-26.
  8. Lyndina Ye. The beginning of the system of assistance to children with visual disabilities: historical and bibliographical aspect. - C. 27-30.
  9. Ishchenko A. Chemical safety as a component of general and professional competences in training of future doctors. - C. 31-36.
  10. Abstract and References. - C. 37-48.
№ 2 (41)
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