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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж101252:PS/2022/2<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

: наук. журн..- Харків. Pharmaceutical Science
ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Maletska O., Vasyuk S. Spectrophotometric methods for quantitative determination of sotalol in tablets. - C. 4-9.
  4. Koval A., Lozynskyi A., Shtrygol’ S., Lesyk R. An overview on 1,2,4-triazole and 1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives as potential anesthesic and anti-inflammatory agents. - C. 10-17.
  5. Karpenko Y., Hunchak Y., Gutyj B., Hunchak A., Parchenko M., Parchenko V. Advanced research for physico-chemical properties and parameters of toxicity piperazinium 2-((5-(furan-2-YL)-4-phenyl-4H-1,2,4-triazol-3-YL)THIO)acetate. - C. 18-25.
  6. Korzh I., Olieinikova N., Beketova M., Kubarieva I., Korobova Y., Sevriukov O., Afanasenko O. Comparative analysis of drug consumption for the treatment of epilepsy in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus. - C. 26-36.
  7. Litvinova E., Posilkina O., Kovalenko S., Yeromenko R., Bratishko Y., Lisna A. Status and analysis of trends in the metformin -based drug development: formation of the logistic system of scientific research. - C. 37-45.
  8. Shtrygol’ S., Koiro O., Kudina O., Tovchiga O., Yudkevich T., Oklei D. The influence of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with different mechanisms of action on the course of stress reaction, the functional state of kidneys, liver, and heart on the model of acute general cooling. - C. 46-55.
  9. Kholodniak O., Kovalenko S. Substituted acyl thioureas and acyl thiosemicarbazides: synthesis and biological activity (minireview). - C. 56-71.
  10. Nozdrina А., Volkova A., Cherkashyna A., Ovakimian O. Results of analysis of epidemological indicators of viral hepatitis c in regions of the world as part of activities to improve pharmaceutical provision for patients. - C. 72-80.
  11. Rudakova O., Gubar S., Smielova N., Maksym Y., Nataliia B., Georgiyants V. Development of a unified approach to the method of identification, quantitative determination of active substances and accompanying impurities in a combined drug by HPLC method. - C. 81-89.
  12. Abstract and References. - C. 90-112.
№ 2 (36)
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