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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж101252:PS/2023/5<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

: наук. журн..- Харків. Pharmaceutical Science
ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science

  1. Титул.
  2. Content.
  3. Bezuglaya E., Stolper Y., Lyapunov N., Zinchenko I., Liapunov O. Study of factors affecting some properties of hydrophilic suppository base. - C. 4–15.
  4. Filiniuk O., Babenko M., Kosyachenko K., Sucu R. Current approaches of health technologies introduction in Ukrainian hospitals. - C. 16–23.
  5. Cherniakova V., Bevz N., Strilets O., Harna N., Bevz O., Yevtifieieva O. The study of the stability of silver proteinate solutions prepared in pharmacies. - C. 24–31.
  6. Zhurenko V., Lebedynets V. Determination of risks for business entities in the sphere of manufacturing medicines in military conditions in Ukraine. - C. 32–43.
  7. Burban K., Kukhtenko H., Kriukova A., Yakovenko V., Matsiuk K., Slipchenko H., Vyshnevska L. Research by choice of excipients ingredients of the gel for the therapy of radiation lesions of the skin based on rheological studies. - C. 44–52.
  8. Vlasov S., Severina H., Vlasova O., Borysov O., Shynkarenko P., Golovchenko O., Konechnyi Y., Georgiyants V. Synthesis docking study and antimicrobial activity evaluation of pyridyl amides of thieno I2,3-DI pyrimidine-4-carboxylic acid. - C. 53-62.
  9. Suvorov M., Kotvitska A. Results of the expert survey assessing the efficiency level of the national regulatory system in the field of medicines turnover. - C. 63–74.
  10. Zlahoda V., Bobrytska L., Nazarova O., Tarasenko V., Shpychak O., Nazarkina V., Hrytsenko V. Application of the direct encapsulation method in the technology of medicine with dry rauwolphia extract (Rauvolfia serpentina Benth.). - C. 75–80.
  11. Bovsunovska Y., Rudiuk V., Georgiyants V. "Greening" of the industrial technology of enoxaparin sodium synthesis. - C. 81–89.
  12. Cherniavskyi A., Tarasenko D., Nikitiuk V., Sahaidak-Nikitiuk R., Demchenko N. Method approaches to assessing the adaptation potential of the industrial pharmaceutical enterprise to changing economic conditions. - C. 90–98.
  13. Tutuk V., Nazarkina V., Babenko M., Nemchenko A., Zhakipbekov K. Assessment of medical technologies in the formation of government programs to assist patients with rare metabolic diseases. - C. 99–108.
  14. Abstract and References. - C. 109-134.
№ 5 (45)
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