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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж101277/2018/2(1)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Науковий вісник Полісся
: наук. екон. журн..- Чернігів
Naukovyi visnyk Polissia

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Shkarlet S. M., Dubyna M. V., Zhuk О. S. Conceptual provisions on the development and implementation of the mechanism of the institute of trust formation in the financial services market. - C. 8-15.
  4. Савченко В. Ф., Стойка В. О., Стойка С. О. Теоретичні і практичні складові економічної безпеки в Україні. - C. 16-21.
  5. Verkhoglyadova N. I., Levchyns’kyy D. L., Kononova I. V. Attributive model of synergetic type systems development. - C. 22-27.
  6. Kolomytseva O. V., Vasilchenko L. S., Pepchuk S. M. Formation and development of organic production of the Ukrainian market. - C. 28-33.
  7. Rekova N. Yu., Dolozina I. L., Pinchuk A. O. Budgetary revenue breakdown at regional level of public administration in the federal countries. - C. 34-42.
  8. Chubukova О. Yu., Rallie N. V., Zimbalevska Yu. V. Topical conceptions of the development of information society under conditions of NBIC-convergence. - C. 43-48.
  9. Bilan Yu. V., Yatsenko O. М., Nitsenko V. S. Global dominents for the development of China's trade policy: opportunities and threats for cooperation with Ukraine. Part 2. Modernization of China's trade policy. - C. 49-57.
  10. Vdovichen А. А., Vdovichena O. G. Synergetic interaction of the bioeconomics principles in the global economic system structure. - C. 58-63.
  11. Міnakova S. М., Lypynska О. А., Міnakov V. М. Threats and advantages of institutional basis that determined the asymmetry of the market of Ukraine's transport service. - C. 64-69.
  12. Stezhko N. V. Development of model scenarios for food production and consumption forecasts in terms of solving global food problem. - C. 70-78.
  13. Khaustova V. Ye., Salashenko Т. І., Lelyuk O. V. Energy security of the national economy based on a systems approach. - C. 79-92.
  14. Hafurova O. V., Yermolenko V. M., Stepasyuk L. M. Economic end legal aspects of ensuring food security. - C. 93-97.
  15. Gryshchenko I. М., Kulaiets M. M. Development of the capacity of territorial communities. - C. 98-104.
  16. Strelchenko I. I., Komirna V. V., Arakelova I. O. Neuromodelling of financial and economic security of the region. - C. 105-116.
  17. Tarasovych L. V., Yaremova M. I., Slobodyanyk A. M. The development of the rural economy: convergence to European modernity. - C. 117-123.
  18. Tsymbalenko N. V. Competitiveness management of Ukrainian higher educational institutions. - C. 124-128.
  19. Makogon V. D., Adamenko I. P. Fiscal policy as an element of socio-economic transformations. - C. 129-135.
  20. Antoniuk K. I., Antoniuk D. A., Bukharina L. M. Structural analysis of category apparatus of consumption in the sustainable development system. - C. 136-140.
  21. Yemelyanov O. Yu., Kurylo O. B., Petrushka T. O. Metodologikal principles of evaluating economic potential of industrial enterprise sustainable development. - C. 141-149.
  22. Moroz N. V., Bondarenko L. P., Chubka O. M. Principles of professional management of multiapartment buildings. - C. 150-156.
  23. Byba V. V., Vasiuta V. B., Miniailenko I. V. Star-up: search of ways of investment support for development of small business. - C. 157-163.
  24. Казимір В. А., Гонта О. І. Регіональні аспекти фінансування середньої освіти в Україні. - C. 164-171.
  25. Karyу O. I., Нalkiv L. I., Halaz L. V. Sanatorium and health resorts in Ukraine: view characteristic, regional specificity and dynamics of development. - C. 172-178.
  26. Mishchenko D. A., Mishchenko L. O. Application of cluster analysis to determine the level of the budget potential of the Ukrainian regions. - C. 179-185.
  27. Худолей В. Ю., Пономаренко Т. В., Іванова Т. М. Регіональні диспропорції малого бізнесу в Україні та шляхи їх усунення. - C. 186-195.
  28. Diatlova Yu. V. Assessment methodology of food component economic security: regional aspect. - C. 196-202.
  29. Sirenko K. Y., Chepurda G. M., Bezuglіy І. V. Еconomic sufficiency household as the foundation of human capital. - C. 203-209.
  30. Nazarova G. V., Nazarov N. K., Demianenko A. A. Approach to analytical support for assessing the security of human development. - C. 210-215.
  31. Гилка У. Л., Яковенко О. І. Оцінка факторів, що визначають успіхи і невдачі інноваційних проектів. - C. 216-221.
  32. Novikova I. E., Huiyu Zhou, Bediukh O. R. The entrepreneurial university as imperative for implementation of the strategy of integration into the system of European knowledge transfer: the Ukrainian experience. - C. 222-231.
  33. Melnyk K. Yu., Tsesarsky F. A., Seletskyi O. V. Economic and legal analysis of premiums and increments to staff. - C. 232-241.
  34. Druzhynina V. V., Likhonosova G. S., Davidyuk L. Р. Approaches to balance labor market by eliminating exclusion factors. - C. 242-250.
№ 2(1) (14)
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