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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж101496/2023/9(3)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Health, sport, rehabilitation
: scie. j. on phys. education, sports, rehabilitation and recreation.- Kharkiv
Zdorov’â, sport, reabìlìtacìâ

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Original articles. Physical education

  4. Jangra P., Kumar P., Nara K. Level and associated factors with physical activity among Indian public school teachers. - C. 6-23.
  5. Lobo J., Peralta R., Prevandos F. G., Bautista C., Agupitan J., Mabolo J. G. The importance of individual interest and school engagement to the advancement of physical culture promotion in schools of higher education. - C. 24-39.
  6. Adamčák Š., Marko M., Izáková A., Bartík P. Curriculum preferences of physical education teachers in primary schools: differences in length of pedagogical practice. - C. 40-49.
  7. Original articles. Sport

  8. Burhanuddin S., Setiawan E., Isnaini L. M. Y., Jumareng H., Patah I. A. Changing the level of mental health and fundamental movement skills on athletes through game-based circuit training. - C. 50-60.
  9. Isnaini L. M. Y., Setiawan E., Gani R. A., Lufthansa L., Gazali N., Winarno M. E. Aquatic-Based Tabata training: a training system to improve physical fitness of athletes in situational sports. - C. 61-73.
  10. Nagorna V., Mytko A., Borysova O., Oberhofer K., Achermann B., Lorenzetti S. Gender-specific issues for sport preparedness of elite female athletes in team sport games. - C. 74-90.
  11. Ryepko O., Skaliy A., Tymko Y., Kozin S., Kozina Z., Feshchenko A. Training program in the lowlands for amateur mountaineers for climbing to the peaks. - C. 91-103.
  12. Original articles. Physical therapy

  13. Soliman E. S., Khattab N., Abdelmegeed M., Kamel E. The effect of scapular muscles training using a suspension system in patients with non-specific chronic neck pain and scapular dyskinesia: a randomized clinical trial. - C. 104-117.
  14. Review articles

  15. Kumar D., Dhull S., Nara K., Kumar P. Determining the optimal duration of plyometric training for enhancing vertical jump performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis. - C. 118-133.
№ 9(3)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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