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Journal of geology, geography and geoecology
: journal.- Dnipro

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Bornyak U. І., Іvanina A. V., Hotsanyk H. I., Shaynoha I. V. Urban complex of geotourist sites of the city of Lviv (Western Ukraine). - C. 447-459.
  4. Braslavska O. V., Kyselov I. O., Rudyi R. M., Kyseliova O. O., Udovenko I. O. Philosophical geography: establishment, development, formation of scientific foundations. - C. 460-470.
  5. Dzyad O. V., Redko V. Y., Krasnikova N. O., Mihaylenko O. G., Stasiuk Y. N. On the issue of sustainable development of tourism in the Black Sea countries . - C. 471-482.
  6. Fesyuk V. O., Moroz I. A., Chyzhevska L. T., Karpiuk Z. K., Polianskyi S. V. Burned peatlands within the Volyn region:state, dynamics, threats, ways of further use. - C. 483-494.
  7. Goshovskyi S. V., Likhosherstov O. O., Shevchenko O. M., Slonitska S. G. The relation of the northwestern shelf deep geological structure of the Black Sea with the phenomenon of gas seeps. - C. 495-501.
  8. Haba M. I., Dnistrianska N. I., Ilnytska-Hykavchuk H. Ya., Makar O. P., Senkiv M. I. Jewish cultural heritage of the Lviv Oblast as a tourism resource. - C. 502-511.
  9. Habchak N. F., Dubis L. F. Prospects for the development of transport network in Transcarpathia within cross-border territories with EU countries. - C. 512-519.
  10. Hudzevich A. V., Nikitchenko L. A., Baiurko N. V., Hudzevich L. S., Frytsiuk V. A., Levchuk N. V. Geoecological approach to organization of naturalized antropogen-modified territory. - C. 520-529.
  11. Inkin O. V., Kobets A. S., Dereviahina N. I. Geotechnological foundations of naturaltecnogenic deposits mining in Donbas. - C. 530-538.
  12. Klieshch A. A., Maksymenko N. V. Positional-dynamicterritorialstructureoftheurbanlandscape. - C. 539-549.
  13. Masoumeh M. R., Khalil R., Mehran A., Mohsen A., Pantea G. Sedimentology and Geochemistry of Quaternary Sediments and Determination of Sediment Transport, Tectonic setting in the wetland of Saghalak-Sar Rasht. - C. 550-561.
  14. Saba S., Khalil R., Mehran A., Seyed M. A. A., Pantea G. Changes in particle sizes and geochemistry of Siyah Keshim lagoon sediment of Gilan province to determine origin and tectonic position of sediment. - C. 562-571.
  15. Shinkarenko V. M., Nezdoyminov S. G., Galasyuk S. S., Shynkarenko L. V. Optimization of the tourist route by solving the problem of a salesman. - C. 572-579.
  16. Splodytel A. O. Рatterns ofspreading of heavy metalsin soils of urbanized landscapes(on the example of Brovary city). - C. 580-590.
  17. Svetlitchnyi O. A. Long-term forecast of caused by climate changesin soil erosion losses during spring snowmelt within the flat part of Ukraine. - C. 591-605.
  18. Tsaryk L. P., Kovalchuk I. P., Tsaryk P. L., Zhdaniuk B. S., Kuzyk I. R. Basin systems of small rivers of Western Podillya: state, change tendencies, perspectives of nature management and nature protection optimization. - C. 606-620.
Vol. 29(3)
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