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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж101741/2021/30(1)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Journal of geology, geography and geoecology
: journal.- Dnipro

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Andreev V. H., Hapich H. V., Kovalenko V. V. Impact of economic activity on geoecological transformation of the basin of the Zhovtenka River (Ukraine). - C. 3-12.
  4. Danylchenko O. S., Kornus A. О., Kornus O. H., Vynarchuk O. О. Assessment of the geo-ecological potential of the landscape districts (on the example of Sumy region, Ukraine). - C. 13-24.
  5. Daus M. E., Daus Y. V. Estimating environmental risk assesment for drinking and fisheries use (on the example of the Danube river – the city Vilkovo). - C. 25-33.
  6. Dudar T. V., Titarenko O. V., Nekos A. N., Vysotska O. V., Porvan A. P. Some aspects of environmental hazard due to uranium mining in Ukraine. - C. 34-42.
  7. Ifeanyichukwu K. A., Okeyeh E., Agbasi O. E., Moses O. I., Ben-Owope O. Using Geo-electric Techniques for Vulnerability and Groundwater Potential Analysis of Aquifers in Nnewi, South Eastern Nigeria. - C. 43-52.
  8. Imamverdiyev N. A., Baba-zadeh V. M., Mursalov S. S., Valiyev A. A., Mansurov M. I., Abdullayeva S. F. New perspective Reza gold deposit (Gedabek ore district, Lesser Caucasus, Azerbaijan). - C. 53-64.
  9. Krool V. P., Vdovichen A. A., Hyshchuk R. M., Dobynda I. P. Sacral Heritage of the Carpathian Region and Management of its Resource Component in Tourism Activity. - C. 65-77.
  10. Kryuchenko N. O., Zhovinsky E. Ya., Paparyga P. S. Biogeochemical peculiarities of accumulation of chemical elements by plants of the Svydovets Massif of the Ukrainian Carpathians. - C. 78-89.
  11. Lepkyi M. I., Matviichuk L. Y., Lysiuk T. V., Tereshchuk O. S., Podolak V. M. A model for the development of qualitative training for the tourism professionals through the use of the computer 3D-tours. - C. 90-99.
  12. Manyuk V. V. New data on geology of the Rybalsky Quarry, unique object of geological heritage of Global Significance. - C. 100-121.
  13. Melnychenko S. V., Mykhaylichenko H. I., Zabaldina Y. B., Kravtsov S. S., Skakovska S. S. The protected area as a tourism eko-brand. - C. 122-132.
  14. Nedostrelova L. V. Dynamics of snow cover in the Kirovohrad region at the end of the XX and the beginning of the XXI centuries. - C. 133-144.
  15. Savchuk V. S., Prykhodchenko V. F., Prykhodchenko D. V., Tykhonenko V. V. Comparative characteristics of the petrographic composition and quality of coal series С12 and С13 of Prydniporovia block. - C. 145-152.
  16. Savosko V. M., Bielyk Y. V., Lykholat Y. V., Heilmeier H., Grygoryuk I. P., Khromykh N. O., Lykholat T. Yu. The total content of macronutrients and heavy metals in the soil on devastated lands at Kryvyi Rih Iron Mining & Metallurgical District (Ukraine). - C. 153-164.
  17. Splodytel A. O., Sorokina L. Yu., Lunova O. V. Landscape geochemical conditions and patterns of inter-element redistribution of heavy metals in landscapes of Kivertsi National Nature Park "Tsumanska Pushcha". - C. 165-178.
  18. Vyshnevskyi V. I., Zhezherya V. A., Nezbrytska I. M., Bilous O. P. The impact of aeration on ecological state of lake Telbyn in Kyiv. - C. 179-189.
  19. Zapotoskyi S. P., Zapototska V. A., Trusij O. M., Pasko V. F. Social and affordable housing in Ukraine: mechanism and practices of provision. - C. 190-200.
  20. Zastavetska L. B., Zastavetskyi T. B., Dudarchuk K. D., Illiash I. D. The use of SMART technologies in censuses: world experience and prospects for Ukraine. - C. 201-208.
Vol. 30(1)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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