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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж101741/2021/30(2)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Journal of geology, geography and geoecology
: journal.- Dnipro

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Burshtynska K. V., Kokhan S. S., Babushka A. V., Bubniak I. M., Shevchuk V. M. Long term hydrological and environmental monitoring of the Stryi River using remote sensing data and GIS technologies. - C. 215-230.
  4. Denysyk H. I., Valchuk-Orkusha O. M., Sytnyk O. I., Kozynska I. P., Bezlatnia L. O. Taking into account regional environmental conditions in the functioning of road landscape-engineering systems. - C. 231-238 .
  5. Fesyuk V. O., Moroz I. A., Kirchuk R. V., Polianskyi S. V., Fedoniuk M. A. Soil degradation in Volyn region: current state, dynamics, ways of reduction. - C. 239-249.
  6. Gorbachova L. O., Prykhodkina V. S., Khrystiuk B. F. Spring flood frequency analysis in the Southern Buh River Basin, Ukraine. - C. 250-260.
  7. Grinyuk O. Y., Demianenko S. O., Kupach T. H. Analysis of zoning schemes of the territory of Ukraine for the purposes of optimization and management of recreational and tourist activities. - C. 261-274 .
  8. Havrylenko O. P., Shyshchenko P. H., Tsyhanok Y. Yu. The green infrastructure within the framework of the concept of a compact city (by example of Kyiv). - C. 275-288.
  9. Коstenkо А. М., Kuzmenko О. М. Ecological consciousness as a factor influencing the sustainable development of European countries. - C. 289-297.
  10. Kraynyuk O. V., Buts Y. V., Ponomarenko R. V., Asotskyi V. V., Kovalev P. A. The geoecological analysis performed for the geochemical composition of ash and slag waste obtained at Zmiiv thermal power plant. - C. 298-305.
  11. Kuzmynchuk N. V., Dombrovska S. V., Konarivska O. B., Leonenko N. A., Chernobrovkina S. V., Asaulenko N. V. Increasing marketing activity of hotel and restaurant business enterprises as a basis for the development of the tourism industry. - C. 306-314.
  12. Loboda N. S., Tuchkovenko Y. S., Kozlov M. О., Katynska I. V. Assessment of River Water Inflow into the Sasyk Estuary-Reservoir According to RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 Climate Change Scenarios for 2021-2050. - C. 315-325.
  13. Makarenko P.O. Analysis of the monopolization level of raw material exports of Ukraine. - C. 326-333.
  14. Mazhanov O. M., Evtekhov V. D., Demchenko O. S., Voloshyn V. M., Kulyk Y. M. Mineralogical justification for potentiality of producing hematite marketable products. - C. 334-343.
  15. Nezdoyminov S. G., Baldzhy M. D., Kniazhkovska H. O. Regional measurement of the hotel sector development of a tourist destination (on the example of Odessa region, Ukraine). - C. 344-354.
  16. Ravindranath I. G., Thirukumaran V. Spatial mapping for Groundwater Vulnerability to Pollution Risk Assessment Using DRASTIC Model in Ponnaiyar River Basin, South India. - C. 355-364.
  17. Sardak S. E., Shymanska K. V., Girman A. P., Krupskyi O. P. International youth migration: features, tendencies, regulation prospects. - C. 365-378.
  18. Tahir I. Z., Veliyeva G. V. Methodological basis of zoning of tourism-recreation reserves and tourism potential of Gusar region of Republic of Azerbaijan. - C. 379-388.
  19. Zayachuk M. D., Kostashchuk I. I., Darchuk K. V., Bilous Y. O. Geoinformation technologies as a basis for research of the optimal location of general secondary education institutions (on the example of Chernivtsi city territorial community). - C. 389-401.
Vol. 30(2)
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