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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж16377/2023/6<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu
: peer-reviewed j..- Dnipro
Naukovij vìsnik Nacìonalʹnogo gìrničogo unìversitetu

    Повні тексти публікацій будуть доступні після 01.01.2025 р., через 114 днів

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Mining

  4. Chebanov M. O., Pcholkin H. D., Makurin A. A., Lozhnikov O. V. Substantiation of the technological parameters of bucket-wheel excavator forward trench when mining titanium deposits. - C. 5-11.
  5. Lubenets T. M., Koroviaka Ye. A., Snigur V. H., Tkachuk A. V., Rastsvietaiev V. O. Theoretical model of random freight flow distribution in the conveyor transport line of the coal mine. - C. 12-18.
  6. Morkun V. S., Morkun N. V., Tron V. V., Serdiuk O. Y., Haponenko A. Use of backscattering ultrasound parameters for iron ore varieties recognition. - C. 19-24.
  7. Saik P., Lozynskyi V., Anisimov O., Akimov O., Kozhantov A., Mamaykin O. Managing the process of underground coal gasification. - C. 25-30.
  8. Shcherbakov P., Tymchenko S., Moldabayev S., Amankulov M., Babets D. Mathematical substantiation and creation of information tools for optimal control of drilling and blasting in open-pit mine. - C. 31-38.
  9. Dao Hieu, Pham Thanh Loan Data analysis solutions to improve blasting efficiency in mining. - C. 39-47.
  10. Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing

  11. Djezairi O., Bouzidi A., Bouzidi N., Ayaden B., Benselhoub A. Recycling of barite ore tailings into porcelain: microstructure and dielectric properties. - C. 48-53.
  12. Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical

  13. Fialko N. M., Navrodska R. O., Shevchuk S. I., Serhiienko R. V. Problems of operating heating boilers of increased environmental efficiency. - C. 54-60.
  14. Morsli M. A. R., Berdoudi S., Hafsaoui A., Kanli A. I., Ferfar M. Analysis and prediction of surface settlements during the digging of underground mining works (Algeria). - C. 61-66.
  15. Ishchenko O. K., Strilets O. P. Efficiency and seismic safety of constructing underground structures in complex rock masses. - C. 67-72.
  16. Havrysh V., Kolyasa L., Serdiuk P. Mathematical models for determining and analyzing thermal regimes in mining industry mechanism structures. - C. 73-78.
  17. Shkut A. A methodological approach to assessing the durability of welded structures of screens using SolidWorks Simulation software. - C. 79-85.
  18. Electrical Complexes and Systems

  19. Nguyen Truong Giang, Do Nhu Y, Nguyen Thac Khanh, Ngo Xuan Cuong Study of leakage current in underground mine power network: a case study in mining in Vietnam. - C. 86-92.
  20. Bialobrzheskyi O., Postil A., Yakimets S. Accounting for a positive, negative and zero sequences power in a three-phase unbalanced electrical system. - C. 93-99.
  21. Power Supply Technologies

  22. Kwilinski A., Kolosok S., Artyukhov A., Vakulenko I., Kovalenko Y. Smart grid projects in the pan-European energy system. - C. 100-106.
  23. Environmental Safety, Labour

  24. Novitskyi R., Masiuk O., Hapich H., Pavlychenko A., Kovalenko V. Assessment of coal mining impact on the geoecological transformation of the Emerald network ecosystem. - C. 107-112.
  25. Poteriaiko S. P., Bielikova K. H., Tverdokhlib O. S. Activities efficiency assessment of the governing body’s task force under environmental emergency. - C. 113-118.
  26. Ostapenko L., Yesimov S., Prots I., Marych N., Tarnavska M. Legal support of labor protection standards under martial law. - C. 119-126.
  27. Information Technologies, Systems Analysis and Administration

  28. Holinko O., Yuldasheva N., Zhartay Z., Mirzoieva T., Petrychenko O., Hulevets V. Methodology of creation and development of information systems for technological safety of mining facilities. - C. 127-133.
  29. Kashtan V. Yu., Hnatushenko V. V. Automated building damage detection on digital imagery using machine learning. - C. 134-140.
  30. Economy and Management

  31. Vakariuk L., Bernaziuk O., Blok N., Serdiuk O., Zilnyk N. Legal provision of social protection of employees in the conditions of martial law. - C. 141-148.
  32. Barvinok V. Yu., Artyukhova N. O., Marci A., Polishchuk I. R., Vasylieva T. A. Structuring "education – migration – labour market" chain. - C. 149-155.
  33. Zakharchenko P., Romanenko O., Alaverdian L., Dymenko R., Tsymbal S. Dual form of education within the framework of contemporary educational trends in Ukraine. - C. 156-161.
  34. Ushenko N., Metelytsia V., Lytovchenko I., Yermolaieva M., Sharmanska V., Klopov I. Development of digital infrastructure and blockchain in Ukraine. - C. 162-168.
  35. Beridze T., Baranik Z., Tkachenko S., Kutova N., Korolenko O. Investment principles in value-target processes of electricity consumption at iron ore enterprises. - C. 169-174.
  36. Prokhorova V. V., Yemelyanov O. Yu., Koleshchuk O. Ya., Antonenko N. S., Zaitseva A. S. Information support for management of energy-saving economic development of enterprises. - C. 175-183.
  37. Minakova S., Volobuyeva T., Minakov V., Minakova O., Tselikova A. Peculiarities of truck transportation in wartime conditions. - C. 184-191.
№ 6
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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