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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж16740/2020/2<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Медична освіта
: наук.-практ. журн..- Тернопіль
Medična osvìta

  1. Титул.
  2. Content.
  3. Beck G., Tsaryk O. M., Rybina N. V. Teaching and assessment strategies in online foreign languages distance learning. - C. 6-13.
  4. Bilavych H. V., Bahriy М. А., Bilavych І. V., Savchuk B. P., Fedchyshyn N. O. The contribution of doctors, members of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv to the development of Ukrainian education, science and literature (late XIX – early XX century). - C. 14-19.
  5. Demianchuk M. R. Analysis of the results of studying vocational training of future junior specialists in nursing in colleges. - C. 20-24.
  6. Fedchyshyn N. O., Protner E. Herbart and herbartianism in european pedagogy: history and modernity. - C. 25-31.
  7. Fedchyshyn N. O., Yelahina N. I., Permyakova O. H. Distance learning of future doctors in foreign language: challenges of time. - C. 32-39.
  8. Hantimurova N. I. Model of learning foreign students in higher medical institutions: analysis of "KROK" examination results. - C. 40-45.
  9. Hnatiuk M. S., Slabyi O. B., Tatarchuk L. V., Pokhodun K. A. Mastering endoscopic surgery skills by surgeons. - C. 46-49.
  10. Humeniuk V. V. Methodological principles of formation of readiness of future masters of medicine for pedagogical activities. - C. 50-55.
  11. Humenna I. R., Nakhaieva Ya. M. The moral principles formation of future doctors during the educational process. - C. 56-60.
  12. Khrystenko O. M. The ideological foundations of the pro­fessional training of modern doctors: philisophical and bioethical aspects. - C. 61-64.
  13. Kichula M. Ya., Shemprukh Jo. Medical students' foreign language commu­ni­cative competence as a component of profes­sional training. - C. 65-70.
  14. Kolesnyk M. Yu. The first experience of using the body interact simulation interactive training platform as a part of interns' attestation. - C. 71-74.
  15. Koshil N. Ye., Rybina N. V., Hyryla O. S. linguistic features of the student abstract as a specific part of the educational process. - C. 75-79.
  16. Kotsyuba R. B., Prokop I. A. Formation of foreign language commu­nication competence of future medical specialists through information and communication technologies (foreign experience). - C. 80-86.
  17. Melnychuk І. М. Peculiarities of creating interactive educational environment in vocational training of future medical specialists. - C. 87-91.
  18. Nakhaieva Ya. M., Humenna I. R. The formation of terminological compe­tence of future doctors during studying humanities. - C. 92-95 .
  19. Oliynyk N. M., Kravets N. Ya., Pokryshko O. V., Yelahina N. I. The role of higher education in the forma­tion of students' healthy lifestyle. - C. 96-102.
  20. Palasiuk H. B., Kolodnytska O. D. Etymological aspects of developing future physicians’ terminological competence as a pedagogical problem. - C. 103-107.
  21. Prokop I. A., Savaryn T. V., Navolska H. I. Latin sayings as an educational aspect for medical students. - C. 108-112 .
  22. Protsyk H. M. Development of students' cognitive activity. - C. 113-121.
  23. Rebukha L. Z., Rambu Nicolae The importance of training technologies in the formation of intercultural competence of future socio-humanitarian professions. - C. 122-126.
  24. Rozlutska G. M., Sokol M. O., Denizci Ömer Mert Education traditions of public schools children healthy lifestyle in Transcarpathia (1919–1939). - C. 127-132.
  25. Sopiha M. О., Pylypyshyn О. І. Socio-psychological methods of providing the education quality of future doctors. - C. 133-136.
  26. Synyshyna V. M. Conceptual foundations of professional training of future practical psychologists. - C. 137-141.
  27. Ulishchenko V. V., Cherkasov V. H., Ihnatishchev M. R. Features of implementation of the compe­tence approach to the study of clinical anatomy in medical school. - C. 142-147.
  28. Vorona І. І., Kolodnytska O. D. Latin as a component of future nursers' professional education. - C. 148-152.
  29. Vykhrushch А. V. Methodology and methods: current issues of theory and practice. - C. 153-160.
  30. Zalipska I. Ya. Distance learning of "Ukrainian language (by professional direction)" of students of medical specialties. - C. 161-166.
  31. Beck G. "Indication – qualification – frustration?" : teaching "German for healthcare professions". - C. 167-172.
№ 2 (87)
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