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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж24320/2022/4(1)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies
.- Харків
Shìdno-Êvropejsʹkij žurnal peredovih tehnologìj

  1. Титул.
  2. Content.
  3. Engineering technological systems

  4. Zhornik O., Kravchenko I., Mitrakhovych M., Balalaieva K. Comparative evaluation of the efficiency of the ring-type and bucket inlet devicesfor a power plant with a turbopropfan engine. - C. 6-12.
  5. Sugiono S., Sulistyorini D. H., Sakinah N., Nugroho W. S. Re-designing of railway carriages to increase ergonomic and accessible: a case study of indonesian railway. - C. 13-22.
  6. Isametova M., Absadykov B., Bazarbay B., Smailova G. Development of the design and technology of extrusion of metal-polymer mixtures for the production of feedstocks. - C. 23-33.
  7. Deineka K., Naumenko Y. Revealing the mechanism of stability loss of a two-fraction granular flow in a rotating drum. - C. 34-46.
  8. Khleif A. A. A numerical implementation study of the stresses and noise generated by the gear engagement in the gearbox. - C. 47-55.
  9. Hassan A. R. Effects of rotational speed on the natural frequency of the differential bevel gear. - C. 55-63.
  10. Kadhim K. J., Jaber J. A., Ibrihim H. R. Implementation of finite element analysis for solving the constraints in forming process of large steel parts. - C. 64-71.
  11. Kaliuzhnyi A., Molchanov P., Savyk V., Knysh M., Yaremiychuk R. Determining foaming regularities enabled by a five-nozzle foam generator for drilling technologies under conditions of abnormally low pressures. - C. 72-79.
  12. Aliiev E., Paliy A., Kis V., Milenin A., Ishchenko K., Paliy A., Levchenko I., Livoshchenko L., Livoshchenko Y., Plyuta L. Justifying parameters for the automatic servo control system of a rotary plate vacuum pump in the milking machine. - C. 80-89.
  13. Hajiyev R. M., Salmanova K., Mammadov G., Taghiyev U. Application of intensive technologies for improved production processes in poultry farms. - C. 90-102.
  14. Grydzhuk J., Dzhus A., Yurych A., Yurych L., Dorokhov M., Livinskyi A. Improving the technique for assessing the condition and predicting the wear of the rock destruction tool equipment. - C. 103-109.
  15. Abstract and References. - C. 110-126.
№ 4(1) (118)
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