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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж28079:Пед./2019/2<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
.- Київ. Педагогіка

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Bakhmach L. The conception and significance of facilitation in the studies of foreign scientists. - C. 5-7.
  4. Bakhtiyarova Kh. Methodological approaches on interpretation concept "quality" and "quality of education". - C. 8-11.
  5. Holovko N., Balashova S. Formation of future teacher's readiness to research activity as a pedagogical problem. - C. 11-14.
  6. Koschechko N. Emotional intelligence of future teachers for prevention of pedagogical conflicts. - C. 15-18.
  7. Kravchenko O. Ukrainian question in the proletkult activity. - C. 19-23.
  8. Kudina V. The content of the practical teachers' training in higher educational establishments in Ukraine and the USA: comparative analysis. - C. 23-25.
  9. Kuzmenko N. V. O. Sukhomlinskiy concepts in the context of educational development specialists in the pedagogical branch. - C. 26-29.
  10. Levytskа L., Postoiuk N. Formation and development of valuable orientations of students in the educational process of higher education in Ukraine. - C. 30-34.
  11. Mariuts I., Derkach О. Quality assurance of university education in EU countries: Romanian and Polish experience. - C. 34-37.
  12. Marushkevych A. Formation of professional motivation of students of institutions of higher education to self-realization in life. - C. 38-40.
  13. Ostapenko A. Organizational-pedagogical activity of I. P. Lvov. - C. 41-44.
  14. Plakhotnik O. Professionally-pedagogical preparation of teachers of public schools in teaching seminaries of Ukraine. - C. 44-47.
  15. Poliak O. Modern information mobile tools of training in higher education institutions. - C. 48-51.
  16. Spitsyn Y., Zaitseva V. Academic integrity of students: pedagogical conditions of its control. - C. 51-56.
  17. Shvets T. Implementation of tutoring practices in a high school based on the example of the private school "Athens", Kyiv. - C. 56-60.
  18. Zhylenko M. Organization of personal activity of the manager, as a condition of efficient administration of the educational institution. - C. 60-64.
  19. Zvarych I., Prymachenko N., Romashchenko I. The future teacher of technology is a moral and cultural personality in the educational and upbringing approaches of education. - C. 65-68.
Вип. 2 (10)

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