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Investment management and financial innovations
: intern. research j..- Sumy
Investytsiinyi menedzhment ta finansovi innovatsii

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Thomakos D., Yahlomi R. Dynamic stop-loss rules as universal performance enhancers. - C. 1-16.
  4. Horbunova O., Kartseva V., Pedchenko N., Ostapenko M. Financial sustainability of the state pension system of Ukraine. - C. 17-28.
  5. Plastun A., Makarenko I., Balatskyi I. Competitiveness in the Ukrainian stock market and local crisis of 2013–2015. - C. 29-39.
  6. Woldie A., Laurence B. M., Thomas B. Challenges of finance accessibility by SMEs in the democratic republic of Congo: is gender a constraint?. - C. 40-50.
  7. Sonko Y., Lazebna I., Lebedeva L. Material production and GDP in Ukraine: theoretical concept and financial assessment. - C. 51-59.
  8. Masala G. Dynamic dependence structure between energy markets and the Italian stock index. - C. 60-67.
  9. Lumjiak S., Quang N. T. T., Gan C., Treepongkaruna S. Good coups, bad coups: evidence from Thailand’s financial markets. - C. 68-86.
  10. Hu J. W.-S., Lee Y.-H., Chen Y.-C. Mutual fund herding behavior and investment strategies in Chinese stock market. - C. 87-95.
  11. Dickason Z., Ferreira S. J. The effect of age and gender on financial risk tolerance of South African investors. - C. 96-103.
  12. Perera W., Priyashantha P. The impact of Working Capital Management on shareholders’ wealth and profitability: evidence from Colombo Stock Exchange. - C. 104-115.
  13. Resler M., Kurylo M., Logvinenko M., Makhinchuk V., Ivanyshchuk A. Analysis of current trends in innovation and investment activity of Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises. - C. 116-128.
  14. Pontoh W., Budiarso N. S. Firm characteristics and capital structure adjustment. - C. 129-144.
  15. D'yakonova I., Nikitina A., Sukhonos V., Zhuravka F. Methodological bases of estimating the efficiency of economic security management of the enterprises in the global environment. - C. 145-153.
  16. Hamouri B., Al-Rdaydeh M., Ghazalat A. Effect of financial leverage on firm growth: empirical evidence from listed firms in Amman stock exchange. - C. 154-164.
  17. Tsalikis G., Papadopoulos S. Assessing the performance of American and European Leveraged Exchange Traded Funds. - C. 165-182.
  18. Gurrib I. Are key market players in currency derivatives markets affected by financial conditions?. - C. 183-193.
  19. Choi P. M. S., Won F. J. Do firms park capital? Evidence from the U.S. manufacturing sector. - C. 194-202.
  20. Aktan B. Hype vs Reality on US and BRICS stock markets going their separate ways: post-crisis evidence. - C. 203-212.
  21. Polishchuk N., Hromova O., Lopatiuk R. Lending as motivation for innovative activity of a modern enterprise. - C. 213-221.
  22. Yudawisastra H. G., Manurung D. T. H., Husnatarina F. Relationship between value added capital employed, value added human capital, structural capital value added and financial performance. - C. 222-231.
  23. Ali A., Tausif M. R. Service quality, customers’ satisfaction, and profitability: an empirical study of Saudi Arabian insurance sector. - C. 232-247.
  24. Blakyta G., Ganushchak T. Enterprise financial security as a component of the economic security of the state. - C. 248-256.
  25. Mishchenko V., Naumenkova S., Ivanov V., Tishchenko I. Special aspects of using hybrid financial tools for project risk management in Ukraine. - C. 257-266.
  26. Lukviarman N., Johan A. P. Meta-analysis of corporate governance in Asia. - C. 267-280.
  27. Tokic S., Bolfek B., Pesa A. R. Testing efficient market hypothesis in developing Eastern European countries. - C. 281-291.
  28. Horvathova J., Mokrisova M., Dancisinova L. Modelling of capital structure in relation to business performance maximization. - C. 292-304.
  29. Rajchlova J., Fedorova A., Somerlikova K., Grega L., Svatosova V. Assessing the existence of synergistic effect in the consolidated accounting entities in the Czech Republic. - C. 305-316.
  30. Ghosh B., Krishna M. C., Rao S., Kozarevic E., Pandey R. K. Predictability and herding of bourse volatility: an econophysics analogue. - C. 317-326.
  31. Petrenko N., Kozhukhіvska R., Kustrich L., Kovalenko G., Makushok O. Development of innovative forms of logistics provision. - C. 327-339.
Vol. 15
Iss. 2
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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