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Chemistry & Chemical Technology
.- Lviv
Chemistry & Chemical Technology

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Blazheyevskiy M., Kryskiw L. Kinetic Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Suxamethonium Chloride. - C. 261-265.
  4. Gladii A., Tsyupko F., Polyugyn I., Yatchyshyn Io., Laruk M. Kinetic Regularities of Hydroxy(poly)alkyleneoxy(meth)acrylates Acylation by Phthalic Anhydride. - C. 267-275.
  5. Kostiv I., Marshalok O., Marshalok G., Pyrig I. Effect of the Reactants Molar Ratio on the Kinetics of the Reaction to Obtain 2-Hydroxyethyl-1,3,4 trimethyl-cyclohex-3-encarboxylate. - C. 277-280.
  6. Bobkova L. Synthesis and Research of Reactivation of Phosphorylated Cholinesterase by Quaternary Pyridinium-Aldoxime Salts. - C. 281-286.
  7. Guminilovych R., Shapoval P., Yatchyshyn Io., Shapoval S. Modeling of Chemical Surface Deposition (CSD) of CdS and CdSe Semiconductor Thin Films. - C. 287-292.
  8. Iatsyshyn O., Bratychak M., Shyshchak O., Mitina N., Zaichenko O. Copolymerization of Peroxy Derivatives of Dioxydiphenylpropane Diglycidyl Ether Monomethacrylate with Styrene. - C. 293-300.
  9. Aneli J., Natriashvili T., Zaikov G. Structuring and Electric Conductivity of Polymer Composites Pyrolysed at High Temperatures. - C. 301-307.
  10. Kolesov S., Bazunova M., Kulish E., Valiev D., Zaikov G. A New Approach to the Creation of Carbon-Polymer Nanocomposites with Polyethylene as a Binder. - C. 309-312.
  11. Ivashkiv O., Namiesnik Ja., Astakhova O., Shyshchak O., Bratychak M. Synthesis and Application of Oligomer with Hydroxy Groups based on Peroxy Derivative of ED-24 Epoxy Resin and PolyTHF-2000 Oligoether. - C. 313-318.
  12. Shurshina A., Kulish E., Lazdin R. Study of Kinetics of Medicinal Substances Release from Chitosan Films. - C. 319-323.
  13. Melnyk S., Dzinyak B. Selectivity of Formation and Yield of Dicarboxylic Acid Mono- and Diesters under Stationary Conditions. - C. 325-332.
  14. Nagursky O., Gumnitsky Ya. Mass Exchange of Dispersed Materials Encapsulating in Quasi-Liquefaction State. - C. 333-336.
  15. Artyukhov A., Sklabinskyi V. Hydrodynamics of Gas Flow in Small-Sized Vortex Granulators in the Production of Nitrogen Fertilizers. - C. 337-342.
  16. Ryzhova O., Khokhlov M., Goleus V., Nosenko A. Influence of Iron Oxides on the Properties of Unfluoridated Enamel Frit Glass and Coatings. - C. 343-348.
  17. Savvova O., Shadrina G., Babich O., Fesenko O. Investigation of Surface Free Energy of the Glass Ceramic Coatings on Titanium for Medical Purposes. - C. 349-354.
  18. Lukashev V., Onda V., Verenich A., Shevtsova T. Distribution Design of Plasticizer Used for Nitrocellulose Granules Saturation. - C. 355-358.
  19. Pyshyev S., Grytsenko Yu., Solodkyy S., Sidun Iu., Vollis O. Using Bitumen Emulsions Based on Oxidated, Distillation and Modified Oxidated Bitumens for Slurry Seal Production. - C. 359-366.
  20. Zavialov V., Bodrov V., Misyura T., Popova N., Zaporozhets Yu., Dekanskiy V. Development of Mathematical Models of External Mass Exchange under Conditions of Vibroextraction from Vegetable Raw Materials. - C. 367-374.
  21. Sanginova O., Danilkovich A., Bondarenko S., Branovitskaia S. Application of Gradient Method for Solving Constrained Optimization Tasks. - C. 375-381.
  22. Patrylak L., Patrylak K., Okhrimenko M., Zubenko S., Levterov A., Savytskyi V. Comparison of Power-Ecological Characteristics of Diesel Engine Work on Mixed Diesel Fuels on the Basis of Ethyl Esters of Rapeseed and Sunflower Oils. - C. 383-390.
Vol. 9
№ 3
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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