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Chemistry of metals and alloys
: an international j..- Lviv

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Myakush O., Babizhetskyy V., Levytskyy V., Kotur B. The Y–Ni–Cu ternary system at 600°C. - C. 1-10.
  4. Barchiy I., Tatzkar A., Sabov M., Rożycka-Sokołowska E., Marciniak B., Pavlyuk V. Crystal and electronic structure of the ternary monoclinic selenide Tl2.59Sb8.41Se14 (TlSb3Se5). - C. 11-20.
  5. Belan B., Sojka L., Demchyna M., Manyako M., Kalychak Ya. Synthesis and crystal structures of the new indides Dy5Pd2In and Y5Pd2In. - C. 21-26.
  6. Luk’yanov M., Slyvka Yu., Kinzhybalo V., Mys’kiv M. Synthesis, crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of the. - C. complex.
  7. Hembara M., Levytskyy V., Babizhetskyy V., Kotur B. Phase equilibria in the system Ce–Ni–C AT 800°С in the range 0–33.3 at. % Ce and new isostructural compounds R2Ni5C3 (R = Pr, Nd). - C. 34-41.
  8. Oshchapovsky I., Pavlyuk V. On the crystal structure of the compound Tb0.83Zn0.14Sn2.86. - C. 42-47.
  9. Бойчишин Л., Герцик О., Ковбуз М., Переверзєва Т., Руденко О., Нізамеєв М. Фізико-механічні властивості стрічкових та об’ємних зразків аморфних сплавів на основі Fe. - C. 48-53.
  10. Kravets O., Nychyporuk G., Muts I., Shpyrka Z., Hlukhyy V., Zaremba V. Crystal structure of the new ternary indide Pr11Ge5.21In4.79. - C. 54-60.
  11. Slyvka Yu., Goreshnik E., Mys’kiv M. Diverse coordination of CuX (X = Сl, Br) towards N-allylbenzotriazole. - C. 61-65.
  12. Pavlyuk O., Slyvka Yu., Mys’kiv M. Synthesis and crystal structure of an Ag(I) p-toluenesulphonate complex with 4-methylpyridine of composition |Ag(CH3C5H4N)2(CH3C6H4SO3)|. - C. 66-71.
  13. Romaka L., Romaka V. V., Horyn A., Stadnyk Yu. Contribution to the investigation of Sm–Cu–Sn ternary system. - C. 72-77.
  14. Klymentiy N., Semuso N., Pukas S., Tokaychuk Ya., Akselrud L., Gladyshevskii R. Crystal structure of the ternary compound Sc3Cu7Al9. - C. 78-83.
  15. Kordan V., Zelinska O., Pavlyuk V., Oshchapovsky I., Serkiz R. Electrochemical lithiation of Ti5M3, Ti3M and Zr3M (M = Sn, Sb) binary intermetallics. - C. 84-91.
  16. Tarasiuk I. The solubility of silicon in Li–Sn binary phases. - C. 92-97.
  17. Scientific journals published by the University of Lviv.
Vol. 9
Iss. 1-2

Chemistry of metals and alloys
: an international j..- Lviv

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Gladyshevskii R. ХІІI International Conference on Crystal Chemistry of Intermetallic Compounds.
  4. Shmychkova O., Luk’yanenko T., Velichenko A. The influence of early stages of PbO2 nucleation on its phase composition. - C. 99-104.
  5. Ivashchenko I., Danyliuk I., Gulay L., Halyan V., Tishchenko P., Olekseyuk I. The quasi-ternary system La2S3–Er2S3–Ga2S3 and quaternary compounds of the composition La(Pr)1.5Tb(Y, Ho)1.5Ga1.67S7. - C. 105-112.
  6. Blashko N., Olekseyuk I., Fedorchuk A., Marchuk O. Phase equilibria in the NiX–La2X3–Ga(In)2X3 (X = S, Se) systems and crystal structure of the La3NiGaS7 compound. - C. 113-118.
  7. Slepets A. A., Voitenko T. A., Nedilko S. A., Nedilko S. G., Chukova O. V. Preparation, structure and luminescence properties of the Ln1-xCaxVO4, Ln = La, Eu (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2) phases. - C. 119-122.
  8. Sema O., Diichuk V., Kobasa I. Thermodynamic and potentiometric investigation of the surface processes on Hg3In2Te6 electrodes. - C. 123-127.
  9. Shevchuk V. N., Kayun I. V. Analysis of electromigration and structure of AWO4 (A = Ca, Cd, Pb, Zn) crystals using the TOPOS program complex. - C. 128-134.
  10. Romaka L., Romaniv I., Romaka V., Horyn A., Stadnyk Yu. Formation and stability of ternary phases in the Ho–Ag–Sn and Tm–Ag–Sn metallic systems. - C. 135-146.
  11. Semenyshyn D., Typilo I., Daszkiewicz M., Gulay L. Crystal structure of Cs8 lW2(CNl)16l× 3H2O. - C. 147-152.
  12. Kordan V., Zelinska O., Pavlyuk V., Nytka V., Serkiz R. Electrochemical hydrogenation of Tb2Ni17-xMx (M = Mg, Sn) phases. - C. 153-157.
  13. Skryabina N. E., Fruchart D., Medvedeva N. A., De Rango P., Mironova A. A. Formation of microstructures in Ti-Cr-V alloys with high hydrogen sorption capacity. - C. 158-163.
  14. Pasturel M., Wochowski K., Noël H. On the crystal structure of the "cage"-like aluminide URu3Al10. - C. 164-168.
  15. Miliyanchuk K., Maskova S., Havela L., Gladyshevskii R. Influence of hydrogenation on the magnetic properties of Er2Ni2Al. - C. 169-173.
  16. Author index. Volume 9 (2016). - C. 174.
Vol. 9
Iss. 3-4
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