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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж43715/2016/5/3<.>)
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Ukrainian food journal
.- Kyiv
Ukrainian Food Journal

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Posudin Yu. Spectroscopic analysis of honey. - C. 437-450.
  4. Nosenko T., Mank V., Zhukova Ya., Cherstva A. Composition and properties of partially hydrolyzed sunflower protein isolates. - C. 451-461.
  5. Olaoye O.A. Spoilage volatiles and sensory properties of a grilled stick meat product inoculated with Pediococcus acidilactici FLE07 as starter culture. - C. 462-475.
  6. Bazhay-Zhezherun S., Romanovska T., Antonіuk M. Improving the nutritional value of grains by biological activation. - C. 476-484.
  7. Kalusevic A., Saleviс A., Dordevic R., Veljovic M., Nedovic V. Raspberry and blackberry pomaces as potential sources of bioactive compounds. - C. 485-491.
  8. Atanasova T., Kakalova M., Stefanof L., Petkova M., Stoyanova A., Damyanova S., Desyk M. Chemical composition of essential oil from Rosa Damascena mill., growing in new region of Bulgaria. - C. 492-498.
  9. Rybak O. Milk fat in structure formation of dairy products: a review. - C. 499-514.
  10. Zhilinskaia N., Bazarnova J., Shleikin A., Peshuk L., Galenko O. Using of bioinformatics and computer morphometry in study of Fusarium spp. causing potato dry rot. - C. 515-522.
  11. Hirwa O., Nyagahungu I., Bitwayiki C. Ethanol prodution from mucilage and pulp of processed coffee. - C. 523-530.
  12. Raichuk N., Podobiу O. Technology features of using gums in a creation of gel bases. - C. 531-540.
  13. Oncul N., Karabiyikli S. Mechanism of antibacterial effect of plant based antimicrobials. - C. 541-549.
  14. Biletskyi E., Petrenko O., Semeniuk D. Three-dimensional model of non-Newtonian fluid flow in the rectangular channel. - C. 550-559.
  15. Litovchenko I. Modeling of furnace work with recirculating of heating gases for tunnel baking ovens. - C. 560-567.
  16. Jothi Ja. S., Uddin M. B. Are public perceptions precise towards the status of quality and safety of commercial brands of noodles?. - C. 568-578.
  17. Sadilek T. System of quality labels in the European Union. - C. 579-587.
  18. Abstracts. - C. 588-614.
  19. Instructions for authors. - C. 615-617.
Vol. 5
Issue 3
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
Пам`ятка користувача

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