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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж43925/2022/1<.>)
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East European journal of physics
.- Kharkiv
Skhidno-yevropejskyj fizychnyj zhurnal

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Afanasiev S. N. Study of 14N(γ,np)3α Reaction for Eγ up to 150 MeV. - C. 5-9.
  4. Protektor D. O., Lisin D. O. Simulation of Heat Transfer in Single-Crystal Lithium Niobate in Interaction with Continuous-Wave Laser Radiation. - C. 10-15.
  5. Radouan D., Anissa B., Benaouda B. An Insight into the Electronic, Optical and Transport Properties of a Half Heusler Alloy: NiVSi. - C. 16-25.
  6. Hameed D. N., Hasan A. K. Level Structure of 58Cu Within Modified Surface Delta-Interaction. - C. 26-31.
  7. Pandey R. S., Kumar M. Study of Electrostatic Ion-Cyclotron Waves in Magnetosphere of Uranus. - C. 32-39.
  8. Annex E. H., Pandey R. S., Kumar M. Effect of the Relativistic Electron Beam on Propagating Whistler-Mode Wave for Ring Distribution in the Saturn Magnetosphere. - C. 40-46.
  9. Kadri S., Mohamed T., Mahièddine B., Rabie A., Zeyneb B. Study of Structural, Elastic, Thermal and Transport Properties of Ternary X(X=Co, Rh and Ir)MnAs Obtained by DFT. - C. 47-57.
  10. Salwa A. S., Ahmed A. El.-S. Characteristics and Optical Properties of Bi2Te2.45Se0.55 Thin Film. - C. 58-65.
  11. Koireng R. R., Agarwal P. C., Gokhroo A. Computation of Structure and Electrical Resistivity of Liquid Na-Rb Alloys. - C. 66-69.
  12. Gyan M., Parbby J., Botchey F. E. Enhanced Third Generation Semiconductor Material-Based Solar Cell Efficiency by Piezo-Phototronic Effect. - C. 70-76.
  13. Zhytniakivska O. Interactions of Novel Phosphonium Dye with Lipid Bilayers: A Molecular Dynamics Study. - C. 77-84.
  14. Morgunov V., Lytovchenko S., Chyshkala V., Didenko N., Vynnyk V. Using a Scanner to Measure Absorbed Doses with Radiochromic Film Dosimeters. - C. 85-95.
  15. Tarabara U., Zhytniakivska O., Vus K., Trusova V., Gorbenko G. Fluorescence Study of the Interactions Between Insulin Amyloid Fibrils and Proteins. - C. 96-104.
  16. Tsyats’ko V. V., Gokov S. P., Kazarinov Yu.G., Malykhina T. V. Investigation of Interaction Mechanisms of High Energy Electrons and Gamma Quantum with Aqueous Solution of Methyl Orange Dye. - C. 105-109.
  17. Bizyukov A. A., Chibisov A. D., Chibisov D. V., Zhernovnykova O. A., Deуnichenko T. I., Yunakov N. N. Positively Charged Macroparticles in Low-Temperature Plasma. - C. 110-115.
  18. Sheina I. V., Barannik E. A. Resolution of the Ultrasound Doppler System Using Coherent Plane-Wave Compounding Technique. - C. 116-122.
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