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Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
: sci. j..- Ivano-Frankivsk
Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Budnyk O. Educational Model of a Modern Student: European Scope. - C. 9-14.
  4. Machynska N., Derkach Yu. Education as a Genuine Social and Personal Value. - C. 15-20.
  5. Marynovska О. Innovative Processes in Education: Scientific Approaches. - C. 21-25.
  6. Vasianovych H. Multimedia as a Tool of Patriotic Education of Students. - C. 26-31.
  7. Wyrostkiewicz M. Infoethics – a New Trend in the Science. - C. 32-38.
  8. Smolinska O., Dzyubynska K. "Crossroads" of Culture and Education as a Methodological Basis for Modern Pedagogy Content Formation. - C. 39-49.
  9. Lachytová L., Kalanin P. Burnout as a Selected Aspect Affecting the Work Performance of a Social Worker. - C. 50-57.
  10. Sokolova T. Volunteer Activity in the Context of Formation of Social Intellect of Future Specialists in Social Work. - C. 58-61.
  11. Mazur P., Letocha M. A Healthy Lifestyle in the Opinion of Junior High School Students From Myślenice District (Poland). - C. 62-67.
  12. Slyvka L. The Problem of Healthkeeping of Children and Youth in Polish Educational Thought at the XV- beginning of XX century. - C. 68-72.
  13. Blyznyuk T. Formation of Students’ Socio-Cultural and Lingual Competence at Foreign Language Lessons in Primary School. - C. 73-78.
  14. Derkachova O. The Mental Space of Game in "Our Mother is an Enchantress" by Joanna Papuzińska. - C. 79-83.
  15. Karpenko H. Verbal Means of Persuasion in English Advertising. - C. 84-87.
  16. Lachytová L., Kalanin P. The Quality of Seniors' Life in Their Natural Environment. - C. 88-98.
  17. Dubkovetska I., Budnyk O., Sydoriv S. Implementing Inclusive Education in Ukraine: Problems and Perspectives. - C. 99-105.
  18. Pyechka L. Continuity in the Kindergarten and Primary School in the Implementation of the Contents of Laying the Foundations of Individual Value Attitude to Their Own Health. - C. 106-113.
  19. Agiliar Tukler V. Modern Scientific Research on the Development of Proactiveness of Preschool Children. - C. 114-118.
Vol. 3
no. 2-3
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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