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Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
: sci. j..- Ivano-Frankivsk
Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Velykochyy V. The Centennial of the West Ukrainian People’s Republic: the Aftertaste of the Jubilee (Major Trends in the Discourse on the History of the WUPR in Modern National Historiography). - C. 7-14.
  4. Khorob S. The Poetics of the Novella in Correlation to Vasyl Stefanyk's Artistic Vision. - C. 15-22.
  5. Pikhmanets R. The Dismissal of Mykhailo Drahomanov from the University of St. Volodymyr:Text, Subtext, Context. - C. 23-31.
  6. Raikivskyi I. Mykhailo Hrushevskyi and Halychyna (1885–1894). - C. 32-41.
  7. Voloshchuk M. The Court of Rostyslav Mykhailovych, Prince and Dominus of Machou, in Hungary (An Excerpt from a Family History between the Late 13th and Mid 14th Centuries). - C. 42-50.
  8. Kononenko V. Idiostylistic Parameters of Fictional Discourse. - C. 51-60.
  9. Greshchuk V. The Text-Building Functions of Word-Forming Elements. - C. 61-68.
  10. Slonovska O. "When a Nation Has No Leader, Poets Become Its Leaders” (Ukrainian Indigenous Literature as Viewed by Yevhen Malaniuk through a Mythological Prism). - C. 69-76.
  11. Golod R. The Flickering Philosophy of Impressionism: a Literary-Critical Perspective. - C. 77-84.
  12. Zahrai L. Narrative Identity: Formation Mechanism. - C. 85-91.
  13. Melnyk Y. A Discourse Analysis of Destructive Sociomental and Ethnocultural Constants in Taras Shevchenko’s Works (Based on "Kobzar”). - C. 92-101.
  14. Lytvyn M., Tsependa I. Maniava Skete as a Citadel of the Christian Faith and Selflessness. - C. 102-106.
  15. Slonovska O. The Golden Rain of Pushyk’s Poems. - C. 107-112.
  16. Derkachova O. On the Road to the Word. - C. 113-116.
  17. Greshchuk V. Breaking New Ground in the Theory and Practice of Historical Lexicography. - C. 117-120.
Vol. 7
no. 2
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
Пам`ятка користувача

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