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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж43926:NMS/2023/10/4<.>)
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Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
: sci. j..- Ivano-Frankivsk
Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Ilasz D., Abramczyk I., Gdowska K. Optimizing Segregated Waste Collection Routes as a Decision-Making Problem in the Municipal Solid Waste Management System in Small Town. - C. 6-16.
  4. Shelenko D., Kijek A., Shpykuliak O. Determination of Organizational and Economic Determinants of the Current State and Development Trends of Agricultural Producers in Poland and Ukraine. - C. 17-30.
  5. Boryshkevych I., Hoi N., Zhuk O., Sala D. Development of Marketing Strategy on the Example of it Company. - C. 31-45.
  6. Blašková M., Sokół A., Figurska I. Organizational Barriers of a Knowledge-Based Organization in the Aspect of Sustainable Creativity Development. - C. 46-62.
  7. Hryhoriv O., Mykhailyshyn L., Marusiak V. Optimisation of Cross-Border Project Management In Higher Education Institutions in the Context of the Impact of Global Economic Crises. - C. 63-80.
  8. Tkach O., Hryniv L. Effective Export Strategy Issue for Foreign Trade Activity of the Develped Economy Enterprises. - C. 81-92.
  9. Piatnychuk I., Iwaszczuk A. Requirements Management Methods During Project Implementation in Conditions of Uncertainty. - C. 93-102.
  10. Tomashevska A., Pelekhatyi A. The Impact of russia's Military Aggression on the Formation of Macroeconomic Indicators of Post-Soviet Countries and Support for Ukraine. - C. 103-112.
  11. Karpiak M., Popadynets N., Bondarenko V., Nazarkevych O. Manifestation's Minimization of Social Exclusion In Ukraine Based on Overcoming Dysfunctionality of the Socio-Economic Systems Regulation. - C. 113-124.
Vol. 10
no. 4
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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