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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж44000/2005/2<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Problems and perspectives in management
: intern. research j..- Sumy
Problemy i perspektyvy menedzhmentu

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Demirdjian Z. S. Differential Perceptions of the Dynamics of Globalization: A Survey Study. - C. 5-16.
  4. Ciftcioglu S., Karaaslan C. Comparison of Macroeconomic Performance of Turkey and East Asian Countries, and an Econometric Analysis of Economic Growth in Turkey. - C. 17-24.
  5. Kuznetsov A., Kuznetsova O. Business Culture in Modern Russia: Deterrents and Influences. - C. 25-31.
  6. Zapalska A. M., Bugaj M. N., Rudd D. Female Entrepreneurship in Transition Polish Economy. - C. 32-39.
  7. Lusk E. J., Belhadjali M., Halperin M., Matzner D. DSS utilization: A comparative study for major firms in Germany and the USA: An examination of the Implementation Paradox. - C. 40-44.
  8. Jordaan J. C., Blignaut J. N. To What Extent Does Investment in Human Capital Contribute to Physical Capital Growth?. - C. 45-53.
  9. Thomas D. E. Top Management Team International Dominant Logic: A New Linkage in the International Diversification-Performance Link. - C. 54-63.
  10. Wu S. An exploratory application of the Ken-OT model to different knowledge intensive sectors in Taiwan. - C. 64-79.
  11. Ismail S. An Investigation of MRP Benefit - Determinant Relationships : ACE Model. - C. 80-97.
  12. Mack O., Mayo M. C., Khare A. A Strategic Approach for Successful CRM: A European Perspective. - C. 98-106.
  13. Ifezue A. N. The Attitudes of the Enugu Urban Consumers Toward Supermarkets: Consumer Acceptance. - C. 107-113.
  14. Whittington J. L., Evans B. The Enduring Impact of Great Ideas. - C. 114-122.
  15. Bowden R. G., Mulnix M. W. Business Education: A View of U.S. and European Management Styles. - C. 123-134.
  16. Ergeneli A. A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Ethical Behavior in Business Related Dilemmas: A Comparison among Turkish, Egyptian, Kirghiz and Kazak Marketing Employees. - C. 135-147.
  17. Sagie A., Kantor J., Elizur D., Barhoum M. I. A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Personal Values: The Israeli-Palestinian Case. - C. 148-157.
Iss. 2
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