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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж44000/2006/4/2<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Problems and perspectives in management
: intern. research j..- Sumy
Problemy i perspektyvy menedzhmentu

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Staniewski M. W. Human Resources Architecture of European Union New Member Country - Case of Poland. - C. 5-13.
  4. Muhanna E. Sustainable Tourism Development and Environmental Management for Developing Countries. - C. 14-30.
  5. Zapalska A. M., Brozik D. The Socioeconomic Conditions for Growth and Development of Maori Family Businesses. - C. 31-45.
  6. Demir M. H., Ince M., Amin C. M. N. The effects of Education and Urbanization on SAP. - C. 46-61.
  7. Bektas E. Test of Market Structure and Profitability in Liberalizing the Deposit Market: The Case of North Cyprus. - C. 62-67.
  8. Bakanauskiene I., Bartnikaite E. Managerial competence: the atittude of Lithuanian managers. - C. 68-77.
  9. Johnsen R. E., Johnsen T., Arab R. A. Coping With Outsourcing: An Interaction and Network Perspective. - C. 78-85.
  10. April K., Bessa J. A Critique of the Strategic Competitive Intelligence Process within a Global Energy Multinational. - C. 86-99.
  11. Lusk E. J., Halperin M., Zhang B. The Balanced Scorecard: Suggestions for Rebalancing. - C. 100-114.
  12. Hanazono M. A Simple Holdup Model with Two-sided Investments: the Case of Common-Purpose Investments. - C. 115-125.
  13. Rivera M. A., Rogers E. M. Innovation Diffusion, Network Features, and Cultural Communication Variables. - C. 126-135.
  14. Singh P., Bernstein B. Research in the Innovation Management Area: Lessons from Quality Management. - C. 136-143.
  15. Jensen T., Nylen U. Striving for Spontaneity - Bureaucracy Strikes Back. - C. 144-158.
Vol. 4
Iss. 2
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
Пам`ятка користувача

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