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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж44000/2016/14/4<.>)
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Problems and perspectives in management
: intern. research j..- Sumy
Problemy i perspektyvy menedzhmentu

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Mehea M., Staakova S., Feranecova A., Raganiova V. Selecting the savings account in the Slovak Republic. - C. 8-16.
  4. Velte P. Sustainable management compensation and ESG performance – the German case. - C. 17-24.
  5. Chiloane-Tsoka G. E. Factors affecting the implementation of the taxi Recapitalisation Project: the Department of Transport. - C. 25-32.
  6. Lekhanya L. M., Visser K. Critical environmental dynamics: barriers restraining business growth in rural areas of southern region of KwaZulu-Natal province. - C. 33-40.
  7. Msomi A. P., Munapo E., Choga I. The conceptualisation of e-Learning at the public sector. - C. 41-53.
  8. Pourhanifeh G. H., Mazdeh M. M. Identifying the critical success factors of organization with Analytic Hierarchy Process approach (case study – Iran Argham Company). - C. 54-60.
  9. Donga G., Ngirande H., Shumba K. Perceived barriers to the development of small, medium and microenterprises: a case study of Thulamela Municipality in the Limpopo Province. - C. 61-66.
  10. Nenzhelele T. E., Moraka N. V., More K. K. The impact of practical entrepreneurship project on future entrepreneurial intentions. - C. 67-75.
  11. Cant M. C. Using social media to market a promotional event to SMEs: opportunity or wasted effort?. - C. 76-82.
  12. Paiva I. S., Reis P., Lourenco I. C. Research in hospitality management and accounting: a research synthesis and analysis of current literature and future challenges. - C. 83-91.
  13. Ganushchak T. The mechanism to provide financial safety of logistics. - C. 92-96.
  14. Bazylevych V., Kupalova G., Bulhairova Z., Satyr L., Goncharenko N. The efficiency of use of the human capital in the agriculture. - C. 97-102.
  15. Moussavou E.-O., Tengeh R. K., Cupido C. Major challenges to sustainable enterprise development within the tourism industry in Libreville, Gabon. - C. 103-111.
  16. Rambe P., Bester J. Financial cost implications of inaccurate extraction of transactional data in large African power distribution utility. - C. 112-123.
Vol. 14
Iss. 4
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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