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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж44000/2017/15/3<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Problems and perspectives in management
: intern. research j..- Sumy
Problemy i perspektyvy menedzhmentu

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Štofova L., Szaryszova P., Vilamova S. Development of the integrated quality management model for increasing the strategic performance of enterprises in the automotive industry. - C. 4-15.
  4. Zuzik J., Weiss R., Weiss E., Labant S., Mixtaj L. Evaluation of companies by revenues methods in the conditions of Slovakia. - C. 16-23.
  5. Salman A., Jamil S. Entrepreneurial finance and its impact on e-business. - C. 24-41.
  6. Lyulyov O., Shvindina H. Stabilization Pentagon Model: application in the management at macro- and micro-levels. - C. 42-52.
  7. Lipych L., Bortnik S., Tovsteniuk O., Kchilycha O., Kushnir M. Prospects for the introduction of innovations by agricultural enterprises in Ukraine. - C. 53-63.
  8. Bazylevych V., Kupalova G., Goncharenko N., Murovana T., Grynchuk Y. Improvement of the effectiveness of organic farming in Ukraine. - C. 64-75.
  9. Kolot A., Herasymenko O. Market, state and business in coordinates of the new economy. - C. 76-97.
  10. Kuzmynchuk N., Kutsenko T., Nazarova T., Druhova E. Analyses dynamics of taxpayers behavior fating the influence of social-psychological factors. - C. 98-107.
  11. Belhassine O., Bouzid A. B. Oil price risk in the Eurozone: a sectoral analysis. - C. 108-118.
  12. Worku Z. Determinants of viability in junior mining companies in the Witbank region of South Africa. - C. 119-127.
  13. Shaikh A., Bisschoff C., Botha C. A comparative model analysis of managerial competence of business school educated managers. - C. 128-146.
  14. Steenkamp R. J. The exploration of university ethos – neoliberalism versus entrepreneurial wisdom. - C. 147-156.
  15. Jali L. F., Lekhanya L. M. Critical analysis of leadership governance and its implications in the universities: a case study of South African universities. - C. 157-165.
  16. Neneh B. N., Van Zyl J. Entrepreneurial orientation and its impact on firm growth amongst SMEs in South Africa. - C. 166-178.
Vol. 15
Iss. 3
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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