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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

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Architectural studies
: intern. j. about architecture.- Lviv
Architectural studies

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. The city of Lviv was created by outstanding personalities. - C. 69-74.
  4. Cherkes B., Linda S. The public space and the revival of the multicultural identity in the city of Lviv. - C. 75-84.
  5. Chernyak I. The legal basis for preservation of garden and park art objects. - C. 85-89.
  6. Didyk V. The problems of Stryjskyj park reconstruction. - C. 91-96.
  7. Gawryluk D., Kłopotowski M. Historical parks as an element of shaping a greenery system in Białystok (Part 1. Emergence and development history). - C. 97-102.
  8. Kłopotowski M., Gawryluk D. Historical parks as an element of shaping a greenery system in Białystok (Part 2. Contemporary state of preservation). - C. 103-108.
  9. Idak Y., Rusanova I. Objects of landscape architecture in formation of city morphology. - C. 109-118.
  10. Ivanochko U. Landscape and spatial concepts of Lviv city development in the late XIX – early XX centuries: outlooks and realities of urban space harmonization. - C. 119-124.
  11. Kazantseva T., Bilinska O. We came to you with flowers. Blooming walls. In memory of Kost Prysiazhnyi. - C. 125-131.
  12. Klymeniuk T. The tomb of Röhring family and peculiarities of monuments inventory work at the historical and cultural museum "lychakiv cemetery” in Lviv. - C. 133-138.
  13. Leonov S. The biographical information and projects of the outstanding Lviv city gardener A. Röhring. - C. 139-144.
  14. Maksymiuk T. Modulation of space in the compositional conception of Stryiskyi Park in Lviv by Arnold Röhring. - C. 145-150.
  15. Mazur T., Korol E. The palace and the park complex in the town of Koropets in Ternopil region. - C. 151-154.
  16. Pavliv A. Ecological challenges in urban development of Lviv nowadays. - C. 155-160.
  17. Petryshyn H., Lukashchuk H., Tupis S. The parterre on the svobody avenue – a "visiting card” of modern Lviv. - C. 161-173.
  18. Posatskyy B., Hrytsak M. Landscape organization of monumental sculpture in the creative work of Arnold Röhring (squares, streets and parks of the city). - C. 175-180.
  19. Rybchynskyi O. Problems of restoration of natural stone monuments located in the city parks. - C. 181-185.
  20. Rzeszotarska-Pałka M. Mayor Herman Haken and Wilhelm Meyer –schwartau –forming of Szczecin city landscape at the turn of 19th and 20th century. - C. 187-194.
  21. Sadowska E. J. The palace park in Sudova Vyshnia as a work of the engineer Arnold Röhring. - C. 195-202.
  22. Sosnova N. Lviv public spaces of the 18th-19th centuries. - C. 203-209.
  23. Zachariasz A. Arnold Röhring and the residential garden in siary in view of the garden art trends of that time. - C. 211-218.
  24. Zhuk I. The "Emerald mantle” of Lviv garden and park design in the capital city of Galicia, 1770–1910s. - C. 219-228.
  25. Instructions to Authors – The academic journal "Architectural Studies”.
Vol. 2
Num. 2
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