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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж44260/2020/9/3<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Journal of Governance & Regulation
: intern. sci. j..- Sumy
Journal of governance and regulation

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Atici G. Editorial: Recent trends in research and future expectations. - C. 4-6.
  4. Firmansyah A., Triastie G. A. The role of corporate governance in emerging market: Tax avoidance, corporate social responsibility disclosures, risk disclosures, and investment efficiency. - C. 8-26.
  5. Arulrajah A. A., Senthilnathan S., Rathnayake M. P. Green information technology and environmental performance of the banks. - C. 27-39.
  6. Nakpodia F. Corporate ownership and control in an emerging market: A review. - C. 40-48.
  7. Bauknecht D., Bischoff T. S., Bizer K., Führ M., Gailhofer P., Heyen D. A., Proeger T., von der Leyen K. Exploring the pathways: Regulatory experiments for sustainable development – An interdisciplinary approach. - C. 49-71.
  8. Dell'Atti S., Sylos Labini S., Nyenno I. Matrix forecasting to investigate the capital efficiency of the insurance market: Case of Italy. - C. 72-83.
  9. Andres P. D., Arranz-Aperte L., Rodriguez-Sanz J. A. "Fit and proper" regulations in the banking industry: What we have learnt in the post-crisis years. - C. 84-95.
  10. Marenga R. Analysing the performance of public enterprises in Namibia: A challenge for the practice of public administration?. - C. 96-109.
  11. Kim J. Inequality: Why equity and fairness should be part of tax policy and governance. - C. 110-121.
  12. Cappellieri F. The slate-vote system as a mechanism to mitigate the risk of self-dealing transactions via RPTs. - C. 122-131.
  13. Atici G., Gursoy G. Trends of non-financial corporations listed on Borsa Istanbul: Rethinking corporate ownership and governance under COVID-19. - C. 132-143.
Vol. 9
Iss. 3
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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