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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Збірник наукових праць [Національного університету Полтавська політехніка імені Юрія Кондратюка]
.- Полтава. Галузеве машинобудування, будівництво
Zbirnyk naukovyh prats’ (galuzeve mashynobuduvannya, budivnytstvo)

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Kocherga N. K., Perederiy I. H. Yuriy Kondratyuk (Оlexandr Shargey): Known and unknown. - C. 5-7.
  4. Shpilka N. N. Improving of two-level car hauler stability. - C. 5-18.
  5. Hutarevich Y. F., Trifonov D. M., Syrota О. V. Car ZAZ-1102 improvement in fuel efficiency and environmental performance in warm-up phase after engine cold start. - C. 19-25.
  6. Strilets О. R., Strilets V. M., Stepaniuk A. A. Tension and deformations of star-shaped spring vertices with strangulated ends of the flexible coupling. - C. 26-33.
  7. Boyko A. I., Fedchenko Z. A. Analysis of work conditions and causes wear holes separating sieves in service. - C. 34-40.
  8. Artym V. I., Kamaieva S. О., Lev O. M., Golovko G. V. Application of new alternative models of finite element method in problems of rod torsion. - C. 41-46.
  9. Shkurupiy A. A., Mytrofanov P. B. Influence of longitudinal fjrces for determining the frequency of free oscillations discrete dynamic systems. - C. 47-53.
  10. Stojanov V. V., Jgalli S. J., Stojanov V. O. The constituent elements structures covering of hyperbolic paraboloid. - C. 54-61.
  11. Pavlikov А. М., Kochkarev D. V., Garkava O. V. Strength of reinforced concrete in bending elements calculations. - C. 62-71.
  12. Kurgan P. G., Kurgan S. P. Ultimate elongation of concrete. - C. 72-80.
  13. Chekanovych M. G., Romanenko S. M., Andrievska Y. P. An effective structure for strengthening reinforced concrete beams. - C. 81-89.
  14. Zhyrakhivskyi V. P., Chekanovych М. G., Chekanovych О. М. Stress-strain state of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with a new external steel structure. - C. 90-99.
  15. Dovzhenko O. O., Pogribnyi V. V., Chursa Yu. V., Chernenko Ya. V. Multistory framed buildings with slab cast over precast joists: Recommendations for designing concrete elements key joints. - C. 100-107.
  16. Gaponova L. V., Grebenchuk S. S. Stress and strain behaviour of reinforced concrete anisotropic shells. - C. 108-120.
  17. Voskobiynyk S. P. Fibre-reinforced polymer bars in precast slabs for roads to oil and gas extraction complexes. - C. 121-128.
  18. Barabash M. S., Genzerskyi I. V., Pikul А. V., Bashynska О. Yu. Methods of modeling of composite materials and composite structures on "LIRA-SAPR". - C. 129-137.
  19. Pichugin S. F., Chichulin V. P., Chichulina K. V. Spatial structures of closed profiles. - C. 138-143.
  20. Pichugin S. F., Semko V. O., Leshсhenko M. V. Ppobabilistic analysis of thermal performance of the wall from light-gauge thin-walled steel structures. - C. 144-155.
  21. Vynnykov Yu. L., Aniskin O. Features of the mathematical modeling of foundations interaction with compacting soils, with anisotropic properties. - C. 156-164.
  22. Petrenko V. D., Tiutkin O. L., Sviatko I. O., Alhdur A. M. M. Complex analysis of subgrade stress-strain state with combined strengthening. - C. 165-174.
  23. Zotsenko М.L., Vynnykov Yu.L., Kharchenko М.O., Lartseva І.I. Design peculiarities of oil storage tanks in complex geotechnical conditions at seismic effects. - C. 175-182.
  24. Maevska I. V., Blashchuk N. V., Ivasyshyn O. V. Optimization of slabs reinforcement depending on the degree of base compliance. - C. 183-191.
  25. Pichugin S. F., Vynnykov P. Yu. Pipeline reliability level for the different collapsible strata. - C. 192-205.
  26. Petrovskiy A. F., Babiy I. N., Borisov A. A. Injection propagation model in sandy soil. - C. 206-211.
  27. Kremniov A. P., Lobacheva N. G. Comparative analysis of design settlement foundations methods according to data of Cone Penetration Test on National and European standards. - C. 212-225.
  28. Semko О. V., Voskobiynyk Ye. P. Analysis of the industrial objects renovation experience. - C. 226-237.
  29. Kutnyi B. A., Novakh B. R. Latent heat energy storage device as a part of the ventilation system of individual house. - C. 238-243.
  30. Yakovlіev V. S., Voinarovskyi B. A. The efficiency water clarification in models of vertical tank. - C. 244-250.
  31. Pavlyuk D. O., Tereshchuk V. P., Chapovskyi V. S. Roadway roughness research and causes deterioration analysis. - C. 251-257.
  32. Ilchenko V. V., Tymoshevskyi V. V., Mishchenko R. A., Lyashko D. S., Riznyk V. V. The prospects manufacture of recycled hot mix asphalt with fiber plastic reinforcement. - C. 258-264.
  33. Dumanska V. V., Vilinska L. M., Marchenko V. S. Studies of coatings from FEP with corrugated base from toothed elements of pyramidal shape on the horizontal and inclined surfaces. - C. 265-272.
  34. Shpylovyi K. L., Shpylovyi L. V., Biletskyi V. S., Komarova O. I. Technique and technology of rare-metal ores desintegration and gravity-based benefication. - C. 273-289.
  35. Nikiforov A. L. Rational organizational and technological decisions on the grain storages construction or renovation sites. - C. 290-297.
Вип. 1 (48)
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