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Збірник наукових праць [Національного університету Полтавська політехніка імені Юрія Кондратюка]
.- Полтава. Галузеве машинобудування, будівництво
Zbirnyk naukovyh prats’ (galuzeve mashynobuduvannya, budivnytstvo)

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Korobko B. O., Storozhenko D. O., Dryuchko O. G., Bunjakìna N. V., Khanyukov V. O. Аutonomous automated accumulating complex for the robotized punching process. - C. 5-13.
  4. Artym V. I., Faflei O. Y., Pents V. F., Kariuk A. M. Features of durability calculation for machine parts and structural elements under high asymmetric low-amplitude load conditions. - C. 14-24.
  5. Kychma A. O., Predko R. Ya. Loading of structural elements of large-sized rotating aggregates during long-term operation. - C. 25-35.
  6. Vorontsov O. V., Tulupova L. O., Vorontsova I. V. Coatings discrete surfaces construction by superpositions of adjusted mesh frames. - C. 36-45.
  7. Orysenko O. V., Fenko O. G., Zotsenko М. L., Vynnykov Yu. L., Kharchenko М. O. Supported construction for quarry excavator travers. - C. 46-55.
  8. Orysenko O. V., Kryvorot A. I., Ilchenko V. V., Filipova H. А. The automobile tires vulcanization method repair process experimental investigation. - C. 56-61.
  9. Pichugin S. F., Patenko Yu. E., Maslova S.A. Probabilistic numerical characteristics of overhead cranes loads on industrial buildings frameworks. - C. 62-68.
  10. Makhinko A. V., Makhinko N. O. Thin-walled barrell shell deflective mode analysis. - C. 69-78.
  11. Storozhenko L. I., Murza S. O., Yefimenko О. І. Capacity flexible compressed reinforced concrete elements reinforced with steel sheets. - C. 79-87.
  12. Semko P. О. Сomparison of experimental studies and numerical modeling results of concrete filled tubular elements with demountable joints. - C. 88-96.
  13. Bondar V. O., Akhmednabiyev R. R. Durability of heavy concrete using boiler slags with circulating fluidized bed. - C. 97-103.
  14. Mitrofanov V. P., Pinchuk N. M. Essentials and problems solving algorithms of general strength theory of rc elements under complex stress-strain states. - C. 104-111.
  15. Karpiuk V. M., Kostiuk A. I., Somina Yu. A. Models of bay reinforced concrete elements resistance at action of cycle permanent sign high level forces. - C. 112-123.
  16. Fenko O. G., Yurko I. A., Karabash L. V., Yurko P. A. The influence of own stresses on tensile concrete strength. - C. 124-130.
  17. Maliovana O. O. Strength of higher strength concrete elements under shear action. - C. 131-140.
  18. Mytrofanov P. B. Research of durability compressed reinforced concrete elements from high-strength concrete based on the deformation model with extreme strength criterion. - C. 141-147.
  19. Bidakov A. M., Raspopov I. A. Test method of clt by tension perpendicular to grain. - C. 148-158.
  20. Zotsenko М. L., Vynnykov Yu. L., Bondar V. O., Novokhatniy V. G. Monitoring of the soil-cement piles buildings settlements. - C. 159-166.
  21. Malyshev O. V. Consolidation zones features formation of a ground around square shaped piles. - C. 167-173.
  22. Naydenova V. E. Laboratory experimental research of loading forces development acting on the side surface of the piles. - C. 174-180.
  23. Lytvynenko T. P., Gasenko L. V., Sharyi G. I. Features of street-road network modern designing and reconstruction in cities. - C. 181-188.
  24. Filonenko O. I., Yurin O. I., Kodak O. A. Energy performance of residential buildings. - C. 189-196.
  25. Biletsky V. S., Mishchuk Yu. S., Kuznetsova Yu. I. Static mixers in flushing fluid circulation systems of drilling rigs. - C. 197-207.
  26. Nalyvaiko O. I., Vynnykov Yu. L., Nalyvaiko L. G., Petrash R. V., Ichanska N. V., Chyhyriov V. V. Magnetic field influence technologies on high-paraffin crude oil in the pipeline with different caliber. - C. 208-213.
  27. Soloviov V. V., Mykhailovska O. V., Yermakova I. A. Conditions of a single intake descending of intermediate casing strings of an excessive weight compared to a derrick load capacity. - C. 214-219.
  28. Kutnyi B. А., Pavlenko А. М. Mathematical modeling of the thermodynamic process gas-steam bubbles. - C. 220-226.
  29. Nesterenko M. P., Redkin О. V., Nesterenko T. M. Directions and mechanisms of innovative high-tech and organizational development of real economy sector. - C. 227-237.
  30. Redkin O. V., Pahomov R. I., Zyma O. E. World experience of business processes organization build-investment projects new forms and management in the field of Ukraine complex objects development. - C. 238-245.
  31. Dyachenko E. V., Drizhyruk Yu. V., Zyma O. E., Lazariev D. М. Works execution organization at building reconstruction and renovation with usage of slabs lifting method. - C. 246-252.
  32. Molodid O. S. Indicators of floor slabs reinforcement technical and economic іnvestigation by different technologies. - C. 253-262.
  33. Altukhova D. V. Methodological principles of calendar planning by probabilistic character of construction. - C. 263-269.
  34. Usenko V. H., Kodak О. А. Probability of the utility networks double-ring structures’ connectivity for sites with various reliability. - C. 270-277.
  35. Semko O. V., Mahas N. M., Mishchenko A. R., Mishchenko R. R. Moisture effects on the building walls. - C. 278-284.
  36. Maksiuta N. S., Golik Yu. S. Comprehensive study of atmospheric pollution in cities. - C. 285-291.
  37. Nesterenko M. P., Dubrovskyi О. А., Kaiurin А. S. The experience of civil engineering specialists with high qualification at Bialystok University of Technology. - C. 292-299.
  38. Anniversary celebrant. - C. 300.
Вип. 1 (50)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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