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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Збірник наукових праць [Національного університету Полтавська політехніка імені Юрія Кондратюка]
.- Полтава. Галузеве машинобудування, будівництво
Zbirnyk naukovyh prats’ (galuzeve mashynobuduvannya, budivnytstvo)

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Lyutenko V., Rudyk R., Nasulloev Sh. Dynamics research of unbalanced vibrator with variable static moment. - C. 5-11.
  4. Pichugin S., Hajiyev M. Reflection of statistical nature of steel strength in steel structures standards. - C. 12-18.
  5. Pichugin S., Klochko L. Structural system collapse risk limitation strategy. - C. 19-25.
  6. Pavlikov A., Kochkarev D., Harkava O., Andriiets K. Strength analysis of reinforced concrete in a closed space of a metal pipe. - C. 26-33.
  7. Medved I., Tatarchenko H., Biloshytskyi M., Poddubny S. Durability of cryogenic structure materials. - C. 34-39.
  8. Zhuravskyi O. Method and example of calculation of combined reinforced bending elements. - C. 40-46.
  9. Semko O., Hasenko A., Filonenko O., Mahas N. Civil building frame-struts steel carcass optimization by efforts regulation. - C. 47-54.
  10. Kalmykov O., Khalife R., Demianenko I. Transformation of the retaining wall external geometry with rationalizing of system parameters. - C. 55-60.
  11. Vynnykov Yu., Kharchenko M., Manzhalii Se. Stress strained state change in the "deformed building – pile foundation – base" system resulting from supplying the slab under the grilles. - C. 61-72.
  12. Vynnykov Yu., Kharchenko M., Yaholnyk A., Lystopad S. Change of stress-deformed mode of the slope masses during developing and operation of excavations in it. - C. 73-80.
  13. Biloshytska N., Tatarchenko H., Biloshytskyi M., Tatarchenko Z. Creating Urban Spaces of Small and Medium-Sized Cities. - C. 81-86.
  14. Sokolenko V., Holodnov O., Sokolenko K., Filatiev M. The conditions and factors of negative consequences of reconstruction -thermal modernization of buildings. - C. 87-92.
  15. Dyachenko E., Zyma O., Pahomov R. Modeling of production process by the method of works maximum approximation. - C. 93-98.
  16. Uvarov P., Tatarchenko G., Shparber M., Biloshytska N. Challenges in applying expert systems to the investment-construction projects designing. - C. 99-105.
  17. Redkin O., Pahomov R., Zuma O. New Approaches to Strategic Program-Targeted Management of Ukrainian Construction Sector Innovation and Economic Development. - C. 106-112.
Вип. 1 (54)
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