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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж69612/2021/2<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Збірник наукових праць [Національного університету Полтавська політехніка імені Юрія Кондратюка]
.- Полтава. Галузеве машинобудування, будівництво
Zbirnyk naukovyh prats’ (galuzeve mashynobuduvannya, budivnytstvo)

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Pichugin S. Many years of experience of standarding the medium component of wind load on building structures. - C. 5-13.
  4. Pichugin S., Klochko L. Algorithm for modeling possible failures at the construction site. - C. 14-19.
  5. Usenko Y., Pavlikov A. Determination of the compressed zone shape of concrete in reinforced concrete T-section beams under biaxial bending. - C. 20-25.
  6. Dovzhenko O., Pohribnyi V., Usenko V., Usenko D. The masonry calculation strength under the vertical and horizontal loads combined action by the variational method in the plasticity theory. - C. 26-31.
  7. Vereshchaka S., Mukoseev V., Rohovyi S., Tsyhanenko H. Strength of steel pipelines in corrosive sites with repair composite bandage. - C. 32-40.
  8. Usenko V., Vorontsov O., Nikolaenko V., Usenko I. Modeling a dependence system with specified conditions. - C. 41-46.
  9. Semko O., Filonenko O., Hasenko L., Mahas N., Rudenko V. Temperature-humidity regime in the operation of the roofs of historic buildings. - C. 47-52.
  10. Semko O., Filonenko O., Yurin O., Mahas N., Rudenko V. Moisture protection of structures adjacent to the ground in historic buildings. - C. 53-58.
  11. Dubyk О., Ilchenko V., Stepanchuk O., Talavira H. Improving the monitoring of the operational and technical condition of rigid airfield pavements. - C. 59-67.
  12. Shkola O., Mosicheva I., Marchenko M., Vasylyuk K. Influence of composition and density of slags on their strength and filtration parameters. - C. 68-73.
  13. Vynnykov Y., Razdui R. The results of modeling the strain state of soil base reinforced by soil-cement elements under strip foundations of the building. - C. 74-81.
  14. Hasenko A. Previous self-stresses creation methods analysis in bent steel reinforced concrete structures with solid cross section. - C. 82-89.
  15. Mykhaylovskyi D., Komar M. Analysis of the stress-strain state of laminated timber beams reinforced with composite tapes. - C. 90-97.
  16. Orysenko O., Skoryk M., Kryvorot A., Rassoha I. Determination of spatial interaction of the individual road train links. - C. 98-104.
  17. Orysenko O., Nesterenko M., Shokalo A., Nesterenko T. Design of 3D printers analysis for construction and architecture. - C. 105-110.
  18. Nesterenko M. Computer modeling of the stress-strain state of vibrating machine frames with spatial vibrations. - C. 111-116.
  19. Korobko B., Kivshyk A. Analysis of the pattern between the mass of the plunger and the translational motion maximum frequency of the working body of the electromagnetic action differential pump. - C. 117-123.
  20. Mykhailovska O., Zotsenko M. Technological solution of oil and gas waste disposal. - C. 124-129.
  21. Zezekalo I., Kobolev V., Lukin O., Vynnykov Y., Safronov A. The effect of gas hydrates self-preservation in the process of their industrial development. - C. 130-136.
  22. Dryuchko О. , Bunyakina N., Shefer О., Laktionov О., Halai V., Pleshkan D. Formation of polyfunctional photocatalytically active layered oxide materials using coordination nitrates REE and alkali metal as precursors. - C. 137-148.
Вип. 2 (57)
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