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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж69750/2023/26/4<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Наукові горизонти
: наук. журн..- Житомир

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Zolotarov A., Rodionova K., Кhimych M., Vyrvykyshka S., Khokhlov A. Ways to reduce the impact of the external environment in summer on the milk productivity of cows. - C. 9-20.
  4. Kozyr V., Mykytiuk V., Кalinichenko O., Pryshedko V., Begma N. Growth energy and quality of beef from bulls of Maine-Anjou, Chianina, and Santa Gertrudis breeds grown in Ukraine. - C. 21-32.
  5. Prylipko T., Ganzyuk T., Shuliar A., Shuliar A., Omelkovych S. Slaughter and meat quality of broiler turkeys using different light programmes during growing. - C. 33-42.
  6. Berezovskyi A., Dovbnya A., Fotin O., Kisil D., Morozov B. Rationale for the prevention of mastitis in cows during the dry period and after calving. - C. 43-53.
  7. Skrypka M., Panikar І., Boyko Yu., Dmytrenko N., Kurales O. Pathogenesis and pathomorphology of distraction trauma in the framework of pre-trial investigations of cruelty to animals. - C. 54-64.
  8. Chaploutskyi A., Yakovenko R., Butsyk R., Polunina O., Zabolotnyi O. Parameters of apple tree crowns depending on the crown shape and pruning time. - C. 64-74.
  9. Baistruk-Hlodan L., Stasiv O., Gadzalo A., Khomiak M., Levytska L. Assessment of the genetic diversity of red fescue in the Western region of Ukraine. - C. 75-85.
  10. Shahini E., Shehu Dh., Kovalenko O., Nikonchuk N. Comparative analysis of the main economic and biological parameters of maize hybrids that determine their productivity. - C. 86-96.
  11. Veremeenko S., Furmanets O., Vozniuk N., Oliinyk O. The effect of the application of liquid complex fertilizers and mixtures based on them on the productivity of corn in the conditions of the Western Polissia. - C. 97-107.
  12. Barseghyan A., Serafin S., Kostyakova A., Naamo Gh. S., Qinbr M. I. Financial and analytical assessment of the costs of maintaining large urban park spaces in the Mediterranean on the example of Barcelona. - C. 108-118.
  13. Kurbatska L., Sitkovska A., Tesliuk Yu., Lukianova V., Yavorska T. Factors influencing the effective use of land and resource potential in Ukrainian agricultural businessesv. - C. 119-135.
  14. Review article

  15. Miller A., Atakhanov A., Guliyev M., Azizov T., Huseynova Kh. The economic effect of the measures provided for by the Kyoto Protocol by region (as of the 2020s). - C. 136-145.
Т. 26
№ 4
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
Пам`ятка користувача

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