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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Problems of modern psychology
: coll. of research papers.- Kamianets-Podilskyi
Problemi sučasnoï psihologìï

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Zaviazkina N. Vedmedenko A. Alexithymia as a Factor of Somatization of Psychological Problems. - C. 11-30.
  4. Ivashkevych E. Koval I. Psychological Principles of Organization of the Deductive Process at the English Lessons at Secondary Schools. - C. 31-52.
  5. Ivashkevych E. Komarnitska L. Psychological Mechanism of Sinibularity of Assessing Learner’s Listening Skills at Secondary Schools. - C. 53-74.
  6. Kalishchuk S. The Procedural Logic of the Existential and Systemic Reorganization of the Personality’s "Picture of the World". - C. 75-103.
  7. Kompliіenko Iryna. The Reasons of Conflicts in the Relationships between Parents and Children. - C. 104-126.
  8. Liashenko L. Psychological Peculiarities of the Development of Junior Students’ Voluntary Attention in the Process of Teaching English at Secondary School. - C. 127-145.
  9. Maksymenko S., Maksymenko K.& Irkhin Y. Systemic Nature of Human Psyche and Psychology of Education. - C. 146-166.
  10. Medvedskaia E. Categorization of the Concept of Freedom by the Representatives of Different Information Subcultures. - C. 167-187.
  11. Mykhalchuk N. Onufriieva L. Psychological Analysis of Different Types of Discourse. - C. 188-210.
  12. Faliova O., Kolchyhina A. Bilotserkivska Y. The Features of Psychological Defenses of Women with Different States of Family Functioning and Family Interaction. - C. 211-235.
  13. Furman (Humeniuk) O. Hirnyak A. Psychological Competence of Educator as a Prerequisite of Effective Developmental Interaction with Students. - C. 236-266.
  14. Khupavtseva N. Psychological Principles of the Attributes of Facilitative Interaction. - C. 267-288.
  15. Shebanova V. Metaphoric Associative Cards in the Work of a Psychologist. - C. 289-307.
  16. Shevchenko N. Lisianska N. Experimental Study of Psychological Conditions of Development of High School Students’ Independence in Planning of the Professional Prospects. - C. 308-327.
  17. Shyriaieva L. Honcharenko N. The Peculiariies of Perception of Family Relations and the Place in the Family by the Child with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder. - C. 328-351.
  18. Shtepa O. The Psychological Resources of Personality-Based Confidentiality: Possibilities of Personality Trust in Oneself and Others. - C. 352-374.
  19. Про збірник. - C. 375-376.
Iss. 50
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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