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Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports
.- Kharkiv
Pedagogy of physical culture and sports

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Aksutin V. V., Korobeynikov G. V. Psychophysiological states and special performance of boxers with different styles of fight.. - C. 3-7.
  4. Beygul I. O. The influence of sports activities for personality of judoist. - C. 7-13.
  5. Bodrenkova I. A. Features of development of coordination abilities features of athletes in sports aerobics in initial training. - C. 13-18.
  6. Burla Artem A., Burla Anton A., Kudrenko A. I., Liannyi M. O. Physical training of young biathletes in step preliminary preparation. - C. 18-26.
  7. Guo P., Diachenko A. U. Specific characteristics of physical fitness at work anaerobic endurance type of rowers in canoe. - C. 26-31.
  8. Gres O. V. Healthsaving activity of comprehensive educational establishments’ leaders as psychological and pedagogical problem. - C. 31-35.
  9. Zheleznuy O. D., Zasik G. B., Mukhin V. M., Grinchuk O. M. Correction of psycho-emotional state of athletes playing sports with the consequences of injuries of the lower extremities. - C. 35-40.
  10. Kozina Zh. L., Sobko I. N., Kolomiec N. A., Jagiełło Władysław, Jagiełło Marina. Allocation algorithm for athletes group to form tactical tasks in game team sports using the methods of multivariate analysis (illustrated women Ukrainian team basketball with hearing impairments).. - C. 40-49.
  11. Makarova Е. V., Vasylieva I. V. Algorithm of physical rehabilitation of athletes in polyclinic stage of treatment of osteochondrosis. - C. 49-54.
  12. Popov A. N. The structure of physical fitness and its correlation analysis at young players aged 16-17 years at the stage of basic training. - C. 54-58.
  13. Boraczyńska S., Boraczyński Tomasz, Boraczyński Michał, Michels Anna. Dynamics of comprehensive physical fitness in artistic gymnasts aged 7-10 years. - C. 58-65.
  14. Klimczyk M., Stec M. The physical and motor development of 9-year-old children attending football classes in "football school for children". - C. 65-70.
  15. Lazarieva O., Cieślicka M., Stankiewicz B., Muszkieta R., Prusik K. The strategical frameworks of the physical rehabilitation in surgical treatment of the patients with low back pain. - C. 70-74.
  16. Submission of manuscripts. - C. 75.
№ 12
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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