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Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports
.- Kharkiv
Pedagogy of physical culture and sports

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Al-Ravashdeh Abdel Baset, Kozina Zh. L., Bazilyuk T. A., Ilnickaya A. S. Influence of motor skills’ training methodic on senior pupils’ speed-power and endurance qualities at light athletic trainings with aplication of interdisciplinary connections. - C. 3-11.
  4. Gres O. V. Pedagogic conditions of health saving functioning organization of comprehensive educational estableshment’s headmaster. - C. 11-18.
  5. Davydova T. M. Formation of schoolchildren’s healthy life style culture as one of key problems of modern comprehensive educational establishment.. - C. 18-24.
  6. Ivashchenko O. V., Yermakova T. S. Structural model of in-group dynamic of 6-10 years old boys’ motor fitness. - C. 24-33.
  7. Ilmatov V. R. Study of muscular skeletal apparatus’s functional state of junior sportsmen-power lifters, who have backbone verterbral abnormalities. - C. 33-39.
  8. Makuts T. B. Effectiveness of 14-15 years old tennis players’ competition functioning considering correction of their psychological fitness. - C. 39-45.
  9. Masliak I. P. Physical health of young and middle age women under influence of step-aerobics exercises. - C. 45-51.
  10. Nizhevska T. V. Results of experimental testing of system of future physical culture teachers’ training for art pedagogic means’ application in pedagogic functioning. - C. 51-56.
  11. Prushva O. B. Season physical functioning dynamic of men with different physical condition. - C. 56-62.
  12. Khalaf Sadek Drevel, Diachenko A. U. Approaches to realization of year cycle of iraq football players’ sport training.. - C. 62-70.
  13. Khmelnytska J. K., Filippov M. M. Characteristics of functional tension of qualified skiers when passing rises of different difficulty. - C. 70-77.
  14. Mohsen J., Mohammadreza Hamedinia, Kazem Khodaei. Technical performance analysis of iran premier league soccer players in 2012-2013 season. - C. 77-82.
  15. Podstawski R., Zwolinska D., Nowosielska-Swadzba D. Problems of safety and risk in physical education. - C. 82-89.
  16. Submission of manuscripts. - C. 90.
№ 10
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