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Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports
.- Kharkiv
Pedagogy of physical culture and sports

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Yessentayev T. K. Development of elite sportsmen’s training system. - C. 4-10.
  4. Zastavna O. M. Principles of creation of complex physical rehabilitation program for children after cochlear implantation. - C. 11-18.
  5. Kashuba V. O., Goncharova N. N., Butenko H. О. Effectiveness of health tourism application as the basis of health related recreational technology in primary school pupils’ physical education. - C. 19-25.
  6. Kolot A. V. Modern problems of perfection of elite light athletic sportsmen’s technical skillfulness perfection. - C. 26-33.
  7. Lopatenko G. O. Optimization of training process in pre-start fencing training on the base of out-of-training means’ of mobilization orientation application. - C. 34-39.
  8. Petrenko N. B. Methodic approach to determination of cognitive functions’ non-uniformity in pre-school age children, requiring speech disorders corrections. - C. 40-45.
  9. Pryshva O. B. Peculiar features of men physical condition in planning highly intensive physical loads in winter period. - C. 46-51.
  10. Skyriene V. V. Analysis of possibility of competition distances’ combinations, realized by elite swimmers on the base of individual indicators of technical-tactic actions. - C. 52-58.
  11. Juha Habіb, Yurchenko A. A., Sergіenko K. N. Comparative analysis of foot support-spring indicators of primary school age children with weak eyesight in physical education process. - C. 59-65.
  12. Shuba L. V. Modern approach to implementation of health related technology for primary school children. - C. 66-71.
  13. Yavorskyy A. I. Study of author’s applied physical training program for military officers-graduates of reserve officers’ departments. - C. 72-77.
  14. Information for Authors. - C. 78.
№ 2
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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