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Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports
.- Kharkiv
Pedagogy of physical culture and sports

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Giovanis V. F., Yiaghis F. A., Vasileiou P. V. Topographic recording of the Slalom racing route in snow. - C. 4-10.
  4. Ivashchenko O. V., Iermakov S. S., Khudolii O. M., Yermakova T. S., Cieślicka M., Harkusha S. V. Simulation of the regularities of physical exercises learning process of boys aged 8 years old. - C. 11-16.
  5. Milaim Berisha, Murat Çilli. Normative values for physical fitness in children aged 11-17 in Kosovo. - C. 17-27.
  6. Potop V., Cretu M. Analysis of physical training influence on the technical execution of the dismounts off the uneven bars. - C. 28-34.
  7. Shepelenko T. V., Kozina Zh. L., Cieślicka M., Prusik K., Muszkieta R., Osiptsov A. V., Kostiukevych V. M., Bazilyuk T. A., Sobko I. N., Ryepko O. A., Polishchuk S. B., Ilnickaya A. S. Structure of a year cycle of athletes training in aerobics (woman) with various psychophysiological and functional features. - C. 35-43.
  8. Tulyakova O. V., Avdeeva M. S. Informative indices of physical and functional state of young men during the process of adaptation to learning. - C. 44-49.
  9. Volkov P. B., Nagovitsyn R. S. Gaming technologies in the development of spine flexibility and the coordination of children and teenagers’ movements in sports classes in country health camps. - C. 50-55.
  10. Yurchuk-Zuliar O. A., Tulyakova O. V., Kunshin A. A. Physical and sexual development of 10-year-old girls in rhythmic gymnastics and acrobatics. - C. 56-61.
  11. Information for Authors. - C. 62.
№ 1
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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