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Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports
.- Kharkiv
Pedagogy of physical culture and sports

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Kolokoltsev M. M., Iermakov S. S. Morphofunctional and motor characteristics of Baikal region’s students (Russia) with overweight. - C. 4-13.
  4. Lotfi Gh., Baghaeyan M., Baghaee N. The impact of variability and distribution of practice on student’s learning of basketball throw skill. - C. 14-18.
  5. Moufti H., Arfaoui A. Kinematic analysis of the "attack to the legs” from wrestling: impact of prior judo expertise. - C. 19-23.
  6. Neporadna N. I., Pоpеl’ S. L. Changes in the oxygen transport system of erythrocytes in testing the general endurance of students. - C. 24-29.
  7. Olefir V. O., Kuznetsov M. A., Plokhikh V. V. Effect of physical exercises and perceived stress interaction on students’ satisfaction with life. - C. 30-35.
  8. Özkatar Kaya E., Pekel A. The relationship between life satisfaction and alienation level of disabled athletes (Kayseri Case). - C. 36-42.
  9. Polevoy G. G. The development of speed-power qualities of schoolchildren with different typologies applying coordination training. - C. 43-46.
  10. Savchenko V. G., Moskalenko N. V., Mikitchik O. S., Gorbonos-Andronova O. R., Lukina O. V. Structure and content of tourists’ physical training at the stage of preliminary basic training. - C. 47-53.
  11. Information. - C. 54.
№ 1
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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