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Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports
.- Kharkiv
Pedagogy of physical culture and sports

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Eken Ö., Bayer R. Acute effects of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching, massage and combine protocols on flexibility, vertical jump and hand grip strength performance in kickboxers. - C. 4-12.
  4. Kosova S., Beyhan R., Koca Kosova M. The effect of 8-week plyometric training on jump height, agility, speed and asymmetry. - C. 13-18.
  5. Podrihalo O., Jagiełło W., Podrigalo L., Iermakov S., Yermakova T. The influence of health-improving fitness classes on the degree of fat deposition in women of the second mature age. - C. 19-25.
  6. Aksay E. Comparing the gross motor performance levels of 7–10 age group children with autism spectrum disorder and typical developing. - C. 26-37.
  7. Sellathurai J., Draper N. An insight into Short-sprint coaches’ knowledge and use of periodisation models and training methods - Sri Lankan context. - C. 38-46.
  8. Andrejeva J., Grisanina A., Sniepienė G., Mockiene A., Strazdauskaite D. The effect of TRX suspension trainer and BOSU platform after reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint. - C. 47-56.
  9. Nugraha P. D., Soegiyanto S., Kristiyanto A., Azam M. The effect of ankle strengthening exercise on balance in youth basketball players. - C. 57-67.
  10. Tan K., Pagaduan J., Janep M., Nadzalan A. M. Changes in joint kinematics and kinetics through the implementation of inter-repetition rest protocols in snatch training. - C. 68-75.
  11. Information for Authors. - C. 76.
№ 1
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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