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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports
.- Kharkiv
Pedagogy of physical culture and sports

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Böge V., Suleyman P., Bekir M. Cytokine responses to small sided games in young soccer players. - C. 222-227.
  4. Kurtoğlu A., Çar B., Konar N. The effect of 8 weeks plyometric exercise on physical and motoric features of mental disabled. - C. 228-232.
  5. Mocanu G. D., Murariu G., Potop V. Optimization of body balance indices according to Body Mass Index categories during physical education lessons for university students. - C. 233-243.
  6. Podrigalo L. V., Shi K., Podrihalo O. O., Volodchenko O. A., Halashko O. I. Main research areas in kickboxing investigations: an analysis of the scientific articles of the Web of Science Core Collection. - C. 244-259.
  7. Shalaby M. N., Sakoury M. M., Akl H. F., Hassan R. H., Ababtain H. A., Alghamdi A. Effect of Physical Exertion on the effect of physical exertion on the concentration of copper and blood pressure in athletesn the Concentration of Copper and Blood Pressure in Athletes. - C. 260-264.
  8. Ismail F. H., Abd Karim Z., Rozali N. A., Ramalu R. R. The effects of deep breathing on the mental toughness of athletes in Puchong Fuerza football club. - C. 265-269.
  9. Tajudin F. I. M., Malek N. F. A., Azmi A. M. N., Tan K., Vasanthi R. K., Abadi F. H., Nadzalan A. M. The effects of small-sided games versus traditional training on physical fitness and skills among Under-12 hockey players. - C. 270-275.
  10. Information for Authors. - C. 276.
№ 4
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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